chapter eight - solo mission

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I need to get up to that loft.

You are more skillful with a gun than you are with a knife. So, you scavenge through the room, searching for anything useful while you tie your coat around your waist, leaving just your tank top.

You manage to find some ammo, but it's essentially only good in dire situations. You also notice a lamp of sorts sitting on a marble stone table. Once you pick it up, suddenly, the wall caves in to reveal a secret passageway.

Well, I'll give them that. The Royals love their secrecy.

Having no other option, the passageway leads you into a small library.

Slowly and cautiously, you take the lamp and walk through the gloomy library. The lamp is strong enough just to see what's in front of you. Examining the eerie room, you notice paperwork on a table with a handwritten note.

"XI: IV reloj....11:04...clock!" you realize.


You take the note and a set of keys placed next to it. Now, you wander around for a mysterious clock and a way out of here.

The room smells of old paper and leather, as the floor creaks with every step on the wood. You notice various art and sculptures of random people. One seems to be the royal family again, dressed with their emblems and family crests.

The Salazars'...

You move down and stop when one particular painting catches your eye.

"That's him." you gasped. The man that infected you was right there, painted on a canvas on the wall. You moved closer and looked at the inscription.

Osmond Saddler. That's his name. He must be the leader.

Underneath was a small book flipped open. You took your lamp and illuminated the pages.

"Iluminados 3:2....sacrifice your life and the blood of your enemy. Atone for your ancient sins."

Is this their Bible? Their scripture? This must be why they kidnapped me. I must be the enemy. They want to atone for their own sins and for others.

With this new information, it left you with more questions.

How did they get a hold of the plagas? Why are they infecting not just me but others as well? Do they want to infect the entire world!? Global saturation...

You quickly flipped through the pages, and this Saddler kept popping up in the images inscribed. Sadly, you didn't have the time to sit down and analyze it. All you could process is that they have built an entire religion based on this all-powerful Saddler and the plagas. However, you wondered what else this library held. With the lamp, it leads the way to search the library again.

A chest! Maybe I can use the keys.

You take the keys and match them with the golden cravings. It opens, thankfully, to reveal a cubic device.

Really? Perhaps this is for something else...

You circle back around and find a hidden staircase behind some bookshelves. Cautiously, you make your way up. At the top, it's a study where a desk and more ancient texts await.

To your right, you could see on the wall a square hole perfect for your device. You examine it and insert it correctly for it to reveal an assault rife hung up on the wall.

"Whoa! They just have an assault rifle lying around here?'ll come in handy." you whisper, take the rifle, and grasp it tight between your shoulder and arm, getting used to the feeling. With a convenient shoulder strap attached, you put it behind your back.

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