sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ(ᴀɪᴢᴀᴋᴀ)

166 2 5

-Non request
-Modern AU,Aizetsu is 21 & Akaza is 25
-Shared dorm

Living together isn't so bad if you can get along with that person,thankfully that was the case for Aizetsu and Akaza.They got along well so there wasn't any issues that came from living together.A small friendship ended up developing between them,it didn't progress much outside of their life in their shared dorm.But either way they had a friendship that made it nice to live together.


It was rather late,the clock was moving closer and closer to midnight.Yet Aizetsu was still awake,laid on top of the covers of his bed while his body burned with a deep desire.Running a hand through his black hair,the thick streak of blue hair fell over his face as he stared up at the ceiling.

Earlier he had been texting his dorm-mate who had gone to the gym.A different between them but it didn't effect their friendship or lives so it wasn't an issue.But he had gotten a picture off Akaza to show how he looked in a new,plain black that he had bought.He looked good in that shirt,Aizetsu had to admit that but...

He picked up the phone again,unlocking by pressing in the numerical digits.Immediately being greeted by the same picture that caused the aching tent in his shorts.

|Pink Hair|

Doesn't look too bad does it?Been getting compliments all day at the gym

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Doesn't look too bad does it?Been getting compliments all day at the gym.
You should join me Aiz!
(Read 8:23PM)


Groaning softly into a pillow,Aizetsu curled into a ball with his knees almost touching his chest.Everything just felt so wrong,while he knew that he wasn't completely heterosexual,he had been questioning bi-curious for years, this still felt so wrong.Akaza is his roommate and he wasn't even sure that man liked men!Especially with how many women flirted with him and he had never turned them away by saying that he was gay.

But of course desire won,though it didn't take much for Aizetsu to cave.He was sensitive to anything even slightly sexual and it didn't take much for him to become a submissive mess with some teasing.It wouldn't take much for him to cave underneath anybody,it was weakness that was going to be his downfall.

With a huff of defeat,Aizetsu yanked his shorts down to his ankles.He was growing too warm anyways so it didn't matter,he was going to throw them off anyways.But he hesitated once his fingers curled around the hem of his boxers,thinking about how the idea of masturbating to his roommate was beyond wrong.But God damn did he need to do this,he couldn't contain his lustful need.

Palming himself through the thin fabric of his boxers,he couldn't help the soft gasps and pants passing his soft lips.Hips bucking up into his own hand,his head hitting a pillow as he moved so he was laying on his back.Other hand grasping the fabric of his shirt,slipping his hand underneath his boxers.

"G-God...A-Akaza..fuck," he couldn't stop the breathy gasps and soft moans leaving his lips.Hips bucking up against his own hand as he picked up his pace,whimpering as the pleasure started to build up.As the pleasure started to grow to be almost too much,he started to mumble the name of his roommate mindlessly.

"Aiz,you got my-..." suddenly the door to his room was burst open,Akaza was standing in the door way.Clearly he had just gotten back home from the gym where he would have already gotten showered like normal.Now he was standing there,wide eyed and face becoming a little flushed. "You wanna tell me something?"

Aizetsu felt like his heart skipped a beat or a couple of beats.Immediately he panicked and shot up in his bed,jerking his hand out of his boxers while he fumbled over his words.A deep blush appearing over his darker skin,his blue eyes holding panic and embarrassment in them. "Akaza look I- urm- th-this isn't- "

There was no way he could even finish trying to make an excuse before Akaza started to laugh,he hunched over and started laughing.Whether it was out of shock,embarrassment or something else Aizetsu didn't know but it didn't help his feeling of shame.

"Alright- Shit sorry that just- " Akaza held back a snicker,placing a hand over his mouth as she tried desperately to calm down.Breathing in deeply once he managed to calm down,coughing to clear his throat a little. "Sorry Aiz,just didn't expect anybody as innocent like you to rub one out to me," he teased as he almost stalked his way over Aizetsu.

The pinkette placed one knee on the bed,leaning forward and placing his hands next between Aizetsu's arms and sides.Grinning down at the younger adult who was blushing madly at the closeness,looking down at his roommate.

"A-Akaza what are you..." he let his voice crack and trail off,watching with thinned pupils as a hand slipped into his boxers.Making his breath hitch at the teasing touch,fingers ghosting over his aching cock. "Please don't...Don't tease," he mumbled softly,a desperate looking already in his eyes.

Akaza chuckled as he took a hold his roommate's cock,his ego swelling at how Aizetsu's head hit the pillow immediately.Whimpers and moans were nothing but a string from the ravenette's lips,pleads flowing from his lips like it was a damn prayer. "You're quite the responsive one,you're just sensitive over all aren't you?" The pinkette cooed teasingly,yanking his friend's boxers off completely just make it easier for him.Increasing the pace of his movements which just made those beautifully sinful sounds increase in volume and frequency.

"Akaza...Akaza!Fuckkkkk,please please!" He gasped loudly,tears brimming at his eyelashes as the pleasure increased.His pleads growing more frequent and louder as he felt that all too familiar coil in his stomach.

Akaza leaned forward,leaving hot kisses and bites over the skin of Aizetsu's neck.Using his free hand to move his head to the side to give him more room to mark up,leaving dark purple hickies all over that specific area.Though he kept up his pace with the intent of giving his adorable the release how he craved so desperately.

It didn't take much,a few more strokes and Aizetsu came completely undone.A loud moan and high pitched whine erupt from his throat,his breathing becoming laboured and heavy.Cum now stained his dark shirt,stomach and Akaza's hand but he didn't care and simply grabbed a tissue from a box on a nearby drawer and cleaned his hand.

"Clean yourself up Aiz,I'll see you in the morning." The older adult kissed him on the forehead,tugging his hair in a playful manner before leaving.Shutting the door behind him with a sweet toned 'good night'.

Aizetsu stayed like that on his bed for a few moments,mind a bit foggy and hazy.Though he had a dopey smile on his face,but that was rather quickly hidden by his face being hidden by a pillow.

The prompt:

  ____________________________The prompt:

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