Oceanic hybrid (SaneGiyu)

86 1 4

-Non request
-Orca hybrid Giyu
-Fisherman Sanemi

It was peaceful for once; no harsh storms or heavy rain or rough waves. Just the waves softly lapping against the boat that Sanemi was riding in, simply fishing for food to sell at the market for his family like normal. He was almost certain he'd get so many nets full of fish to be sold. A good amount of money was coming his way, he could tell.

Well that was until something rather...humanoid was picked up on the underside camera? Humanoid was a vague term since whatever it was seemed to have the upper body was a young man ,early twenties, and the lower half of an orca.

It had swam past the camera on the underneath of the boat at a rather rapid pace. Obviously having somewhere to be as soon as possible. And Sanemi had managed to catch a glimpse of it as he had ran to the front of the ship. It was fast but he could catch up easily.

So he immediately turned on his heel and ran up to the captain's quarters, fumbling around until he managed to get his ass in gear. Setting course to follow after the mysterious creature that he was craving to get a proper look at.

Though after another hour of searching, the albino gave up. There was absolutely no sight of the anomaly much to his one disappointment, it has disappeared somewhere. Had it figured out that he was following it and had decided to hide to avoid getting potentially caught? Well whatever the reason, it had managed to escape somewhere and that just pissed off Sanemi so much more. All he wanted was a proper look at the creature, I mean who wouldn't? It wasn't completely human but it wasn't completely orca either! It was like a hybrid between the two and that just intrigued him even more.

But he knew that if he went on then he would be out at sea for another few hours, which he couldn't afford at all. The fish he caught needed to be sold as soon as possible just so it didn't go bad out here. So instead of giving into the urge to search on further, he turned the ship around and headed back to the dock. It was a slow and easy ride back, nothing was going wrong. A perfect summer's day in everybody's eyes.

Docking was simple. Men had helped carry his net-loads to the market where his mom was working. She had men already gutting the fish when he dropped off the last load.

"You're welcome ma," Sanemi mumbled as his sweet mother pressed a kiss against his scarred cheek. Making him blush a little out of embarrassment but he loved his mother so he didn't pull away from the affection. "Oh hey- I need to ask you a question!" He announced once he remembered what he had seen, thank god he had just remembered that before he left.

Shizu turned around to look at her eldest sun once she had finished wrapping a chopped up salmon in an old newspaper. Something that everybody did when selling fish at the market.
"What's up sweetie?" She asked with that soft, sweet tone of her. Putting the yen she had been paid into a small box on a shelf under a desk behind the stall.
"When I was out I saw...something on the underside camera," Sanemi started as he leant against a counter. Arms crossed over his chest as he starts to explain what marvellous sight he had seen. "It looked human like but wasn't at the same time. The upper half of its body was that of a human with a black fin on its back but the lower half of the body was like an orca's. Like tail and fin and all!" He just started rambling about what he had seen. A glint of awe in his lilac eyes as he continued to tell his mother about everything that he had seen.

"That'll be Giyu, he's an orca-hybrid." Shizu giggled softly when she realised who her eldest had seen. Covering her mouth a hand when she saw the dumbfound look on his face.

"He doesn't approach boats, the fuck did you do huh?" A harsh whack was placed against the back of Sanemi's head, it was Kyogo- his father. He had gotten back from meeting up the other hunters of the village and was carrying a dead deer over his shoulder.
"I ani't do nothing ya jackass! Didn't know a orca-hybrid existed!" He snapped back at his father, elbowing him in the side and dodging another whack to the back of his head. Flipping him the finger as he stood next to his mother who shook her head in disappointment, she was sick of their shit.
"Well if he's approached your boat then obviously he's interested in you." Kyogo grunted as he threw the dead deer on an already blood stained slab. A cleaver that was previously hooked on the wall was now in his hand, obviously he was ready to cut up the corpse to be sold.

Sanemi rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off the counter, shooting his father a glare.
"I'll see you later ma, be safe." He stated as he kissed her cheek then he grabbed his bag, slung it over his shoulder and walked off. Only turning around to wave as he reached the edge of the market.

The walk back to his small beachside cabin was rather quick but the sun was already starting to set. The day had gone by quick, but he still wanted to go for a quick dip before he went to bed. So he pulled his shirt off and threw it onto the wooden dock that had been built with the cabin. And he jumped off the edge of the dock into the salty water, emerging from underneath the surface. Wiping the water away from his eyes and slicking his hair back to avoid it getting in his eyes.

He was only swimming around for a few moments before something brushed against his foot. That made him jolt and push himself underneath the dock, it was big enough to fit himself and other people underneath it.

"Hello," a soft toned voice mumbled from behind him, arms wrapped around his waist, pulling his back against this person's chest. Strands of black hair fell against his wet skin as whoever it was rested their chin on his shoulder.
"E-Eh?! Who the fuck are you?!" Sanemi snapped as he tried to writhe around in the person's arms but it didn't work. Instead he was turned around and was met face-to-face with a very handsome looking man with the most gorgeous dark blue eyes that he could have easily gotten lost in. Oh fuck.
"I'm Giyu...you're Sanemi, right?" The newly named hybrid said as his arms unwrapped from his waist and he swam from underneath the dock. The light showing off his orca tail. He numbly nodded

In response, the albino also swam out from underneath the dock. Swimming up close to Giyu, a hand running up his tail- up his back until it reached the fin. God, he was in absolute awe at the sight. A real life hybrid that was willing so close to him, it felt like some kind of dream he'd wake up from soon.

Giyu blinked slowly for a moment before practically pouncing on Sanemi, making the human grasp his waist to support them both. Forcing a small chuckle to escape his lips in surprise, he hadn't expected an orca-hybrid to be so friendly and comfortable with him so quickly!

"Hn...You'll be the perfect mate!" Giyu chirped happily as he wrapped his arms around Sanemi's neck. A dumbly-happy smile on his face.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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