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-Non request
-Modern AU
-Smut;Knife-play,frotting(dry humping),choking,degradation,lingerie
-Possessive towards the end
-Non verbal consent
-Akaza x unidentified Ghostface
-Pussy boy Akaza

It was nearing 11 o'clock and Akaza was still awake though fatigue was racking his body.Laying on the couch while watching some documentary on some recent murders in his town,the murder was some person that had named themself 'Ghostface'.It didn't scare him but he was still cautious as anybody would,it was the reason why he had locked every door that lead outside and window.

Suddenly,the door bell rang which forced Akaza to get off his ass and answer the door.Grumbling about how it was ridiculous for anybody to be knocking at his door,it's not like he had ordered any food.But when he answered the door nobody was there,the only thing that was in front of his door was a picture from a Polaroid camera.It was a picture of himself after he had just gotten out of the shower,butt ass naked in the comfort of his own bedroom.The words "you're fucking gorgeous" written in cursive and red ink on the back of the picture.

"Fucking creep!" Akaza dropped the Polaroid picture back onto the porch,looking very disturbed by the picture as anybody would.He slammed the front door shut as his breathing started to becoming uneven.Placing a hand over his chest as his heart pounded against his chest.

Locking the front door,Akaza immediately ran upstairs to his bedroom.Running a hand through his short cut hair as he mumbled incoherently.Shutting the door to his bedroom as he tried to calm down his irregular breathing.

As the time clicked closer towards midnight,Akaza flopped down on his bed.Looking up at the ceiling as he finally started to calm down,reassuring himself that every door and window was locked so nobody could possibly get into his house.So he ended up calming down and resting against the soft covers of his bed.

The house was quiet as per usual since the pinkette lived alone,only the sounds of the wind and different animals could be heard.Well that was until the bathroom door in his bedroom opened slowly,barely making a sound as the hinges had been replaced rather recently.

Ghostface was standing in the doorway of the bathroom,looking at Akaza who was completely unaware of their presence.Slowly taking steps forward,the masked murder decided that they'd rather not kill this one.Instead more...lewd fantasies came to mind which was wrong,so fucking wrong but to a sick bastard that killed people for pleasure it didn't matter.

Just as Akaza was about to sit up a strong,glove-covered hand wrapped around his throat.Forcing him back against the bed and making his hands instinctively grab and claw at the person's wrist.A shiver shooting up his spine upon seeing the all too familiar mask of the killer who has been plastered all over the news for the past month.Desperately trying to kick at Ghostface's knees but having one of his ankles grasped almost painfully,shoving his leg backward until his knee was up his chest.

"You fucker!" Akaza gasped in pain,gritting his teeth to avoid just spewing a string of offence names and insults.Despite being a martial artist,his flexibility was exactly the greatest since he hadn't attended the dojo in a few months due to injuries.
"Such a foul mouth for a pretty lad," Ghostface chuckled,very obviously having a voice changer in their mask.The grip they had on his neck tightened,making Akaza gasp softly and his honey yellow eyes rolling back in his skull.His hips rocking up which caused him to accidentally grind against the mass murder.Almost instantly his right thigh was grasped tightly,gloved fingers digging into the soft flesh of that body area."Fucking hell,heard you were an eager little whore but didn't think you'd do that." The murder chuckled.

Akaza didn't respond with any words,only moaning softly at being called an 'eager little whore'.Feeling the murder's hardened cock press against his core through the jeans that they were wearing which made him start to grow wet between his thighs.As embarrassing as it was,he was starting to feel incredibly horny even though this person is a mass murder.

(No clue how the Ghostface killers wear that Grim Reaper ass outfit so no canonical outfit)

Even though this situation could quickly turn dangerous,Akaza didn't care as he started to grow incredibly horny.Rocking his hips which mention his core was ground against the other's clothed dick who groaned and muttered 'fuck' under their breath.Going along with it,loving the pleasurable friction that the pair of them were getting from this action.

After a small while,a hand grabbed Akaza's waist which made him stop his actions.The murder was chuckling lowly.Wanting to see just how far this suddenly sexual situation had become.

"Already wet I'm guessing,God you're a fucking slut." Ghostface chuckled in a husky tone though that was probably the voice-changer in his mask.Not wasting any time in removing the silk shorts,a rather pricey gift from an ex that he kept, that Akaza was wearing.Showing the black lace,lingerie panties that the pinkette was wearing."Oh look at this,a pretty lad with a soaking cunt.No wonder you're a slut when you look this good down here." The masked murder chuckled through a murmur as they pushed the pantie fabric aside,using two gloved fingers to pull apart the silk covered folds of his cunt.But not actually touching him in a way that could be more than teasing pleasure.

Akaza writhed around at the feeling of the cool fabric touch his folds,teasing soft sparks of pleasure through his body.The hand still wrapped his throat kept him a bit lightheaded so he couldn't do anything other than give lustful reactions.Mumbling almost incoherent pleads of wanting to be fucked despite the other person being a mass murder.

The faint sound of a zipper being undone could barely be heard,Ghostface shoved their pants down to their ankles.They had moved their other hand away from the pinkette's sopping cunt to get out his erect dick.Pressing the tip against his folds which caused Akaza to whine and writhe around.
"So fucking desperate to get fucked," Ghostface couldn't hold back on chucking darkly,reaching down to their pants to grab a pocket knife out of his back-pocket.Flicking the blade out of the sheath,pressing the tip of the cold blade against the pale skin of Akaza's neck. "Keep your mouth shut or I'll cut you up,got it?" They asked with a head tilt.Akaza nodded quickly,trying to press his hips down in an attempt to get the murder to enter him.

Without any prep,not that Akaza cared, Ghostface swiftly buried his cock deep inside the other's cunt.Groaning softly with their eyes rolling back slightly behind the mask as they bottomed out.Leaning over the smaller's body for a few moments before starting to move inside of him.The movement being made easy even though there was no prep since Akaza was wet enough already.


The cold blade of the knife was pressed flushed against the skin of Akaza's neck,a warning that he need to kept the noise down.Which was difficult to do as Ghostface very swiftly picked up the pace.Making the pinkette's body tremble greatly from pleasure and all of his sinful sounds just flowed from his mouth like water running down a stream.

But with the ecstasy that was building up,Ghostface didn't care.All they cared about was the tight-ish hole that they had their aching cock was abusing to get off.Using Akaza like a fleshlight or a sex doll which was obviously fine to the pinkette since he took dick like a beast almost every week,sleeping with multiple people in one week at times.

After what left like an eternity of pleasure,Akaza could feel a hot liquid being pumped deep inside his core.Sending him over the edge,cumming over his own thighs and over the murder's softening dick.

"Pretty little slut," Ghostface mumbled,pulling out only half way as they grabbed their phone from their jeans.Taking a picture of Akaza's tired and fucked-out expression,his sweat covered body and the self made mess all over his thighs.Making sure to catch himself being only half way out of the younger's pussy in the picture."It's like your precious cunt was made to fit my cock,might need to come back and use you like this again." They mumbled sadistically.Tracing the tip of the blade over the sensitive skin of Akaza's chest,all the way down to the top of his cunt.

"If I hear that anybody has used you like this,I'll fucking ruin you and make sure everybody watches you take my cock like the slut that you are.Got it?" Akaza nodded weakly,liking the sound of that more than he'd like to admit...

Who was Ghostface?
(If anybody says Rengoku,it's an immediate block.I hate RenKaza and think it's a disgusting ship since it's classed a pro ship- murder x victim)

Well you can decide who you think it is because I'm sure as hell not saying who it is.

1558 words

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