𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𓇽

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"Alright so Pope is with her right now. Dealing with her consciousness issue I guess. Where is Diego JB?"

"He's sleeping in your bed, he wasn't really talking to us. Do you know what happened to Brie?" he asked, obviously very concerned.

"Her Dad beat her up, but the bite marks are a bit random. No father would bite his daughter's neck right? That's some vampire type shit" he said, ruling out the possibilities of where the marks came from. He knew they weren't from her Dad, he just couldn't pin point who else could have done that.

The guilt JJ felt was eating him alive. Her whole life started going downhill after he just cut contact with her. He knew what it was like to deal with a shitty dad, he had been in similar positions as the two Martinez children. He knew how they felt, and the guilt just continued to rise the more he saw the consequences they were stuck with.

It was weird for JB to see his friend in the state he was in. JJ was the type to always be joking and doing dumb things that always end badly. Right now, he was thinking half straight, showing genuine concern about something. The look of worry and frustration on the boys face made JB realize that Briella wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon.

The boys sat there, talking about what they should do, neither being able to agree on anything. Butting heads with every suggestion or argument.

"John B, have you not learned that the police don't do shit?" he repeated, the irritation evident from his current composure. His hands ran through his hair, pacing back and forward along the dock. "They haven't ever believed us, not once! They don't care about Pogues man."

"Peterkin does, she's been helping me out JJ, you know she would try and do something" JB reasoned, fed up with his friends stubbornness.

"No, she wouldn't. No cops ok? We just keep her and Diego away from him alright?" he stated, trying to figure out how that would be possible.

"I can't have a kid living here JJ, we don't have money or space for two more people"

"You would do it for Sarah and Wheezie, why can't I do it for Briella and Diego?" JJ remarked, now more frustrated than before, not understanding why John B was being so difficult.

"Sarah and Wheezie is different ok? Wheezie is 14, Diego is what, 7?"

"He's got a point JJ, we can't keep a kid here. And she's asleep right now, fine. Nothing seems too bad, but she's definitely going to be sore for the next while." Pope added, trying to ease his friends nerves.

"Good, that's good. Look Ill take care of Diego ok? You won't have to spare a room or a cent for either of them. They can have my room, ill camp out on the couch," JJ explained, trying to convince himself and his friends they could do this.

"JJ, we can't—"

"No Pogues left behind. You're the one who came up with that. She's staying here, until she can go back home." JJ finished, storming off into the chateau. He had never expected John B to be so difficult when it came to helping out a friend. Briella had never done anything to him, she was always nice when she was here. He knew she would find ways to help out around here if she stayed.

He sat on the couch, looking between the two rooms where the Martinez's slept. He just wanted to keep her safe, and Diego. He stayed here to avoid his dad, he had been forever now. It was the only way to keep himself sane. Briella deserved the same option, to have somewhere else to go instead of living in fear. It was the least she could ask for.

Grabbing a blanket, he laid on the couch, the beers from before causing drowsiness. Just as his head hit the pillow, he heard a scream. A petrified, loud, scared scream.

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