IN 365 DAYS?

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I woke up and i was not in my clothes, it was men's clothes with a big tshirt and no pants , i was wearing my undies thank god , suddenly someone opened the door it was LUKE !
I looked at him so confused ,he smiled after seeing my face , I asked him .

"Where the hell am I ?"

"Good morning sugar , it's my house... And how are you feeling after having 2 days sleep ?

"What do you mean i was sleeping for 2 days!??!"

" Yes love , do you know-" i got cut off.

"Please leave me Luke, i beg u please... M not gonna tell anyone anything just please leave me..." I started crying.

"Shh shhh sugarr... I am not going to do anything, i am your bestfriend, do you forget?" He said while placing his hand on my face.

"Please tell me where is my friends i want to go!"

" Love don't you wanna know what happened that night? And how u end up in these clothes!?" He smirk at me .

"Please don't tell me u touched me" she looked in his eyes.

"No no no... I don't touch anyone without my heart permission.. so.... You are safe and a virgin too , so.. let me tell you , that day , i made you sleep and we come home! Ta da!!  simple, and your bf also didn't do anything, so sad .

"So why i am not in my clothes?".

"Because I don't like your clothes , I got to know that it was Henry's clothes so i removed it! Don't worry i didn't see anything ".

"How can i believe you?".

"Ah don't worry my maid takes them all , i asked her to do so , and yes ,we do have a maid ,specially for you she will take care of you when i am not going to be at home, and as a being a good girl , u have to listen to her ".

"Sir breakfast?" Maid asked.

"Yes sure my sugar must be hungry-"

"I am not going to eat anything, am not hungry take me back RIGHT NOW !! ".

"SHHHH have some juice-". I threw the glass from his hand .

"Ohhh.... Sugar don't be like this , and have some ,after this i have to go somewhere..."

"I just want to go home"

" When i come home i want to see this whole food in your stomach or otherwise-"

"Otherwise what !??? Otherwise what!?!".

"I can touch you... I don't need anyone's permission."

He leaves the house , i am still on the bed with handcuffed , i tried to break it but it doesn't work , the maid came again for lunch , i ask her for help but that bitch just laugh at me , and said.

" Why would i help you? You destroyed my dreams !!! A dream of leaving with Luke ! Everyone know that i love him,even though he too know that but he chose you!! I have been working for him for 5 years, and there was no one but you come- ".

"If you love him then please help me to get out from here so you can leave with him!".

" No ! I can't! He said if you go anywhere he will seel me to an old man , so just shut up !".

She left the room , i tried my best to make my hand free when i was about to take out my hand ,Luke come in.

"Hi sugar... Do you miss me ? And the maid told me that you didn't eat anything, should  i give you an punishment!?."
He said that while coming on bed , he was on top of me when i scream ,

"You can't touch me !!!!!".

"Why not... I can even eat you "
He come closer to my neck , he touched his lips on my neck , i was crying when he said.
" Love please love me , choose me, take me, rule me please stay with me I can't live without you." he said this with a serious tone.

"Why would i love you after this all? After you take my clothes, my impropriate pics-."

"I know !! my bad but i can't, i just love your smell, your everything you own , you will love me... You will love me in 365 days , i will make you fall, i will find you from any corner of earth and going to make you mine."
He said that and fell on me , he was drunk , he didn't do anything, he hugged me so tightly like he have frear of losing me, it was 5o'clock in the morning , i still can't fall sleep rn he was sleeping by my side , while holding my hand , however i made my hand free from the handcuffs, i made my arm free too i got up from the bed , i walk towards the door but it was locked from outside, i look outside of the window, it was not too High just 2 floors up, i think another plan to get out but i have non , so i just come out off the window i step on a roof and start walking on the pipe , i made it but now i have to jump ,the distance between me and the ground was high but i have to , and i jumped, i got my elbow and forehead injured, but i run from there, i end up coming on the road there was cars, i asked for lift but who will give me one in this condition, then someone Stoped her car, it was a girl of my age i ask her to drop me on this this location she said its too far from here, but still she give me the ride, hopefully i get out from that place and went to my trip location, she drop me  and it eas 9o'clock i thanks her when i saw Erica.

365 DAYS TILL I FALL IN LOVE....Where stories live. Discover now