dreams of reality

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As I feel my head hurt and feel so dizzy, like my soul's been burnt, I don't know what I have to say. Just my heart beating, racing like never before, like never singing tomorrow. I'm trying to understand what happened as I balance myself. I try to get up from the bed, but it's so hard. As I try to look around, I see my little fairy just sitting, looking at me, not even caring but concerning. I slowly rest my head on my pillow, feeling so sleepy as my eyelids just slowly close, even if I don't want to. Something forces me to. As I drift to sleep, everything changes—from the shadow, from the stars, from the place I entered—the dreams that I never expected.

I see myself as a young child, but not quite me, different, running around like nothing holds me back, like I am lost in the moment, jumping around the flowers, making things more beautiful, and shouting names, shouting more, as if I own the world. In this dream, nothing can hold me back. I see someone older than me getting closer, putting their hand on mine. I look closer, and this person smiles so gently. I try to see their face clearly, but nothing shows, only a soft smile on their lips. As this person gets closer, "Little girl, I need you to take care of someone," they say. I tilt my head, just wondering what they need me to do. They hold my hand, and slowly we walk to a beautiful greenhouse, full of beautiful flowers that I've never seen. As the weather turns colder, I feel a bit of a shiver down my spine.

I didn't expect this dream to get surrealistic. As I look at the man still walking inside this greenhouse, until we end up at a table, I sit on the chair, and he looks at me. Suddenly, there was a glimpse in his eye. The table was full of desserts, yet he sits on that chair, holding a cup of tea and taking a sip of it. "Little girl, it's a future; it is in your hands. I know you are wondering why I am here. I am here just to give you my power set. Have in me; we are now one person. I will let all my powers to you. You will slowly discover them, but be careful, they are dangerous."

As I get my cup of tea and take a sip of it, I turn to understand what he means of all his talks. "But I am still learning. I have a long wait to do. Even if people were left me, my determination will never fade," I say, seeing him chuckling and cutting my head. I look at him, still wondering why I am here from the beginning. He gives me a pendant with beautiful colors. "Little girl, don't lose this pendant, because he would get mad at me," he says. As I shuffle more, I am getting more confused. I begin to observe this pendant, and the colors are mesmerizing. I feel a bit tired, even in my dream. The man slowly puts his hand on my head without any words. I wake up from this dream, looking at my hand and seeing the pendant, making me more wonder and worry. But for now, I need to talk to my mother.

This time, when I try to get up, it's easier. I feel my body lighter, something has changed in me, but I can't put my hand on it. Everything I had before feels stiffer than now. Every step I take is lighter, even the movement of my hand feels more elegant, as light as a feather.

So, I walk toward my mother. The little fairy is furious, and I can see her determination, just following me around, not wanting to leave me for even a single moment. When I reach my mother's office, I see her at her desk, doing some paperwork as expected. So, I directly contact her.

"Mother, I think it's time to let the revolution begin, her moves, and I will not regret. I know I am more powerful than before, stronger. Mother, trust me, I can do it. I will be a queen and bring justice to every person I've lost, for every person who lost me."

My mother dislikes the idea. Her eyes darken, but I don't understand why. She suggests all the things that I do are wrong. Her behavior gets stranger, like I'm talking to a stranger. Everything changed, everything is permanent, from friend to family; they just enter and exit my life, giving me lessons sometimes, reminding me of something I forgot, or just teaching me to forgive the past.

"Mia, I know how determined you are. I know how much you want it. But remember, you are not a toy. No one controls you. Why are you not as determined as a bird flying for the first time in its life? You're still at the first time. You don't need to push yourself that much. How many times do I have to tell you? To learn to be good at magic, you need time, you need patience. You can't go recklessly," my mother says, her voice firm.

I look at the ground, not a single word coming out of my mouth. I put my hand on my head, trying to focus again, trying to form an excuse, but I decide to tell her the truth, no more hiding.

"Mother, please understand, I'm getting more powerful than you think. People can take time and put in less effort, but I've put all my effort into it. Sleepless nights, weeks of work that never end. So, tell me, did you see things in your student?" I question her.

As she bites her lips and the sun begins to set, tonight collapses on the beautiful sky with her reply. "I never had a student who had your heart and your determination that could make a free person weak to their knees."

I stood there, looking at her proudly, as I see all the mages around me paying respect, listening carefully, understanding what it means to be a person full of determination and endless hope.

"Mother, contact them, tell them, and I will be ready," I say before leaving. Before I go, she hands me a crystal ball, not like the one I used to measure my mana, but one that measures how much I've grown stronger. The first tests on this one showed nothing. So, without hesitation, I put my hand on it to test my luck. The crystal ball slowly changes colors, turning a mature baby blue. My mother looks at me proudly, a smile on her lips, making my heart light knowing that finally, my parents are proud of me.

I take steps to leave this place, ensuring everything is packed. I look at myself; I'm so messed up. I chuckle softly, go to the river for a clean shower, and slowly shower alone in this darkest night. After cleaning up, I put my clothes on and return to the training field where I began. I love to sit under the tree.

I am now cleaner than ever, so I sit under the tree. The night passes, a beautiful wind going through my wet hair, drying it slowly as I see the mesmerizing stars. I remind myself that one day someone will enter my heart, make me smile again, fill my heart with happiness. But it's just too close yet too far. I push all these ideas to the back of my brain, getting up and returning to my room.

Feeling relaxed in my bed, I didn't give a lot of thought. Alia changed so much, more firm, more serious, never chuckling, never smiling, never even joking. It's concerning, but at the same time, she's probably having a hard time. So, I won't push her too much.

After that, I look at the armor they gave me. It still has some coldness to it, with a beautiful red cape. I begin to assemble it, and as I put it on, it fits my body perfectly. I look at myself in the mirror, my reflection so different, as if I'm looking at a warrior. I feel happy, but after finishing and reassembling it, I return to my bed. I think a lot, feeling something in my heart change, as if I've experienced something different. I put my hand on my head, trying to rest a bit, but nothing works. Suddenly, I feel my heart pounding so fast, as if it's a heart attack.

I close my eyes, trying to relax. When I open them, I see myself with that man again, sitting at the table. "You finally wake up, little girl. I've waited so long. Now let me tell you about the power that I will give you," he says. I nod softly as he puts his hand on mine, and I feel the power emerge between us.

"Little girl, I should call you Mia, right? Sooner or later, I will disappear from this place, and I will leave it for you. But before anything, I have to give you something I should have given you from the beginning. Please protect Charles," he says, closing his eyes, pouring all his power into me. I can't feel it, but when I look at him, his eyes are pouring rain, tears falling without saying tears, just a smile on his face that makes my heart ache. His golden hair slowly fades, as if it's the final goodbye. The beautiful light emerges and shimmers on his skin, his body turning into multiple flower petals that are carried away by the air. A small petal falls onto my hand as I feel my heart ache and slowly cry in silence.

After taking a long breath, I see myself return to my normal size. I'm not that child anymore, and the place begins to crash down. I wake up in the middle of the night, feeling hungry. I ponder about my dreams as I walk to the kitchen and find only a slice of cheese and a half of hard bread. I slice the cheese and make a sandwich, eating slowly, enjoying a beautiful time alone with myself. Tomorrow will be a day where victories and histories will be written.

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