Chapter 1

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Alec woke up with a yawn, sitting up in his bed. He felt the oddness of waking up and his wife not being next to him, but he had gotten used to that feeling.

He stood up and quickly fixed the bed, he tucked the corners of the blanket under the mattress and placed the pillows in the correct spots. He always has a thing for making sure everything was neat, although he wasn't sure why.

He walked down the staircase, which he knew had exactly 12 stairs, and entered his kitchen.

Alec started to brew some coffee in the kitchens coffee pot while he turned on the stove and cracked an egg in a pan, cooking some scrambled eggs for his son. He placed a slice of bread in the toaster and pressed the button for the toaster to start to toast the bread. Alec checked his phone for the time and then set it back down.

"Austin! Come down for breakfast! make sure you have your bags ready!" Alec called as he poured some orange juice in a cup for his son.

He placed the scrambled eggs on a plate and grabbed the toast out of the toaster, placing it on the plate with the eggs. He set down the cup of orange juice next to the plate and put some napkins next to the plate as well.

As Alec placed the plate on the table, he heard footsteps quickly walking down the stairs as Austin walked to the kitchen.

Alec placed a hand on Austin's head and ruffled his hair a bit before speaking

"Are you ready to go see your mommy?"

"Yeah! I have all my bags packed a ready to go!" Austin replied eagerly, starting to eat his breakfast.

"Alrighty! I'm gonna drink my coffee and you can eat your breakfast, than were gonna drive to the park and meet your mommy so she can take you until next month."

In the divorce, the court had decided that Alec and his ex-wife would split custody of Austin. Alec would get him every other month and the month that Alec didn't have him, his ex-wife would. This gave both of them a chance to spend certain holidays with Austin.

Alec sat down in one of the chairs at the table and sipped his coffee as he opened his book and started to read it. He quickly realized this was the book he had lent to...her...during that gameshow/hellhole.

He scanned the pages, but he found himself unable to focus on the words, the page blurring as he thought.

A few minutes after this, Austin spoke up. "Done! I'm ready to go!"

"I- oh, alright. Go ahead and get in the car, I'll be right out"

Alec watched as Austin left the house to get in the car with his bags. He placed his book on the table and got up, going outside to start the car.

As Alec and Austin arrived at the park, Alec noticed that his ex-wife has somehow gotten there earlier than he did, he saw her car parked at the usual parking space she used.

He pulled into a parking space and turned off the car. He and Austin got out of the car and Alec spoke to his ex-wife for a quick second, going over the basic things she would need to know for her next month with their son.

Alec gave Austin and hug and waved goodbye as Alec got into his car and drove away.

After driving for a few minutes, Alec pulled into his driveway and turned off his car. He got out and decided he would read for a bit and then go to the coffee shop that stays open late at night, since he was off of work for a few weeks.

Alec entered the house, shutting the door behind him. He sat down on the couch in the living room and grabbed one of his books.

After reading for about 2 hours, Alec glanced at the window. It was dark outside. Alec picked up his phone and checked the time. He closed his book and set it down on the side table next to couch.

Leaving the house, Alec shut and locked the door behind him. He started to walk down the street. His house was about 2 miles away from the coffee shop, so he would be walking for about 30-45 minutes.

10 minutes into the walk, he passed by some alleyways. He usually didn't think anything of these alleys, but he noticed a small figure wearing a yellow hoodie enter the alleys.

Alec couldn't see their face, as they had their back turned to Alec and their hood was covering their head.

He quickly became suspicious of this figure and changed his course so he was following the figure, a good distance behind that he could see where they walked but they wouldn't notice he was following them.

The figure entered one of the darker alleyways and sat down with their back pressed against a wall. They brought their knees up to their chest and looked around, not noticing Alec who was hiding behind a wall.

Alec figured that whoever this was had seemingly decided to sleep here. Not a good choice if you asked him, considering there where criminals and other people who used these alleyways.

Alec slowly moved his head and part of his body out from behind the wall so he could look at the person.

They had yellow shoes with white socks, their knees where scraped and red and they had a bunch of bandages all over their legs. Their face was a little visible, they had a few bandages on their face as well. Alec also noticed there was a small bite shaped bruise on their neck.

Alec quickly realized this was an abused child, and gently approached them.

The child quickly whipped their head around, looking at Alec, that's when Alec saw their face.


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