Chapter 7

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"...your parents are here"

Fiore froze. what. how the fuck did they find me?!? she thought to herself.

"w-what do they want?" she stuttered nervously.

"im going to ask them in a second, but you need to get upstairs and hide first, alright?"

Fiore nodded and dashed to the stairs she scrambled up the steps and entered the guest room. she shut and locked the door behind her.

Fiore pressed her back to the wall and sat down, she brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she hyperventilated.

One Alec was sure Fiore was safe upstairs, he opened the door again and faced Fiore's parents.

"what do you two want?" he asked, his tone was serious and flat, betraying no emotion despite him silently panicking inside.

"We know our daughter is here. we want her back" the man responded. He was about Alec's height and had dark brown hair.

"Is she alright? i'm not sure what caused her to just.. run away!" the woman spoke, with obviously fake worry in her voice. She had Fiore's hair color.

"I don't think she wants to go back with you two"

"And what do you know about our daughter?" The woman's voice was now snarky and sadistic sounding. All her previous concern had disappeared, if it was even there in the first place.

Upstairs, Fiore calmed herself down by messing with her hair and flinching when she pulled on it too hard. After a few moments of this, she slowly opened the door and stood behind the wall that was right next to the stairs.

She hid her body behind the wall and moved a bit of her head out from behind the wall so she could see what was going on.

Alec was getting frustrated with the man and the woman. His previous panic was replaced with anger that these two assholes would have the nerve to demand their child that they abused back and just assumed Alec would let them take her.

"Sorry, but you're not taking her" Alec spoke.

"You are going to tell that girl to get her ass out here and come with us, or else we will call the police and tell them you kidnapped her." the woman angrily hissed.

"You have no evidence. Fiore would prove it wrong" Alec snapped back.

"Hah! that girl will do whatever will tell her to. all we have to do is hit her a few times and she'll obey us" the woman sounded sadistic and cruel.

Alec became enraged listening to this cruel sadistic fuck of a woman talk, and he snapped.

"If you two dont get your asses the fuck off of my porch and the fuck out of my property we are going to have bigger fucking issues than you wanting Fiore back"

Alec's voice was a kind of rage that sounded so calm it was terrifying. Alec reserved it for people he hated completely. people he knew had no good in them.

The woman instantly backed away and the man did as well.

"The hell?!?" the woman shouted.

"Oh hell fucking no! I will not be spoken to in that way!" she hissed

The woman angrily approached Alec and raised up a hand to slap him, but Alec grabbed her wrist, making her unable to hit him.

Alec balled up his fist and raised it quickly so that the woman would not have time to avoid it, he punched the woman right in the nose.

The woman fell back with a yelp and landed on her back, she groaned in pain and brought her hand up to cover her nose. the man just backed away.

Fiore, who was watching still, let out a small snicker at this and muffled it with her palm. She enjoyed watching her parents get their karma.

The woman hissed in pain and stood back up. she looked enraged, but Alec couldnt find it in himself to give a fuck.

"I said fucking leave. or else you'll have worse wounds then a broken nose" Alec snapped.

The man charged at Alec but Alec simply kicked his crotch, causing the man to stumble back down the stairs next to the woman with a groan.

The man stood back up after a moment and painfully stumbled away. The woman gave Alec an angry glare and followed the man.

Alec watched them leave to make sure they left his yard, after about 2 minutes, he closed the door and locked it.

"Fiore! they're gone! you can come down now" he spoke.

Fiore scampered down the stairs and instantly hugged Alec. "that was fucking awesome!" she spoke.

Alec chuckled at her enthusiasm for him hurting her parents. "they deserved it" he responded.

"they sure as hell did!" Fiore agreed.

" you think they'll come back...?" Fiore asked.

"with those wounds? not for a good while. besides, I have an idea" Alec spoke.

"What's your idea?" Fiore's voice was curious as she asked.

"You'll see" Alec responded. He walked over to the kitchen and took a sip of his coffee before grabbing his phone and dialing three numbers.

The phone rang twice before someone picked up

"This is the police, what is your emergency?" the person on the phone asked.

"Hello, I need to talk to officer Tom" Alec spoke.

Him and Fiore waited a moment as the call was transferred.

"This is officer Tom, you needed me?" Tom's voice spoke through the phone.

"Hey Tom, it's Alec and Fiore. uh, sorry about what we did to you and Jake, but we have an issue."

"Well, if it's a legal emergency I might as well help. and Jake was bound to have done something like that himself anyways. So what's up?"

"Do you think you are in the mood to arrest some abusive ass parents?" Alec asked calmly.

"You think I'm not?" Tom spoke, his voice laced with laughter and amusement.

Alec knew he had called the right person for this.

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