Chapter 4

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Fiore entered the guest room and shut the door behind her. She sat down on the bed in the center of the room and laid down, now realizing how exhausted she was. She fell asleep quickly.

(WARNING, this scene contains sexual assault. If you are uncomfortable with that, skip to the sentence that is in parentheses like this one . If you find sexual assault arousing, seek mental help.)

"Ugh, you fucking brat. Go to your room!"

Fiore HATED this dream. Or, in better words, this nightmare. She remembered it clearly during the day, she didn't see the point in remembering it during the night as well.

Fiore entered her room, shutting the door behind her and sitting down with her back to the wall. Her face stung from where her mother had slashed it with the kitchen knife.

Normally, she would've tried to find a bandage to fix her face with, but her parents hadn't bought bandages in awhile. And Fiore was too fucking tired to care anymore.

She had considered suicide, but didn't really have anything to use.

She could sneak off to the kitchen in the middle of the night, but her mother would probably see her.

Also, she didn't have any rope. And even if she did, the ceiling fan probably wasn't strong enough to hold the weight of a person, despite Fiore being unhealthily skinny and surprisingly light.

She sighed and brought her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.

She was lost in thought when she felt the ground vibrating, it was a defense mechanism she had learned to keep herself safe whenever her parents where walking by her room.

But these vibrations and footsteps were unusual. It wasn't the light walking and tapping of her mother's footsteps or the heavy footsteps of her dad.

She whipped her head around when she heard her door open, her body instantly tensing up in fear.

But it wasn't her father, drunk and ready to beat her for who knows why. Or her mother, wanting to scream at Fiore for problems Fiore hadn't even caused.

It was an unknown man Fiore didn't know. Fiore narrowed her eyes in confusion, trying to get a better look at this man.

The man started to approach Fiore, causing her to stand up and attempt to back away. She wasn't really able to back away though, considering she was right in front of a wall.

Fiore then attempted to run past him and out through the door, she dashed straight for the door, but the man grabbed her wrist and pulled her Infront of him.

Fiore started to tremble a bit in fear, wondering who the hell this man was and what he wanted.

The man grabbed Fiore's shoulders and slammed her against the wall, using his grip on her shoulders to pin her in place so she couldn't run again.

The man pressed her against the wall and gently kissed her forehead. Fiore froze, this man obviously had ill intentions and Fiore knew it. The kiss wasn't comforting at all, it was uncomfortable and made Fiore feel vulnerable and weak.

The man then started to kiss her neck, Fiore shivered in uncomfortability. She started to tremble and shake in his grasp, wishing he would just stop and leave her alone.

Deciding she should be strong In this situation, Fiore attempted to shove the man off of her. It, predictably, didn't work. Considering Fiore was a skinny 8 year old and this was a grown man.

This seemed to anger the man, as he started to bite down on her neck. Fiore flinched in pain and her trembling and shaking got harder.

Fiore then heard her mother's voice call from the living room, Fiore was too panicked to make out what her mom was saying, but she must've been calling the man because he let go of Fiore and left the room.

(End of warning)

Fiore dropped to the floor, still shaking and trembling. Her knees started to sting from the rough contact on the carpet, she must've scraped them.

Glancing around her room, Fiore grabbed her bookbag and started to fill it with things she would need. Clothes? Yes. Toothbrush and toothpaste? Yes. soap? Yes. The little bit of money she somehow had? Absolutely.

Fiore winced in pain. The bite mark on her neck was starting to sting. She considered going to a mirror and looking at it, but she decided against it. She didn't want to see what that asshole had done to her.

She zipped up the backpack and put it on as she approached her window. She unlocked the latches and opened up the window, she stepped on the window sill and-

Fiore woke up with a gasp. She was trembling a bit from the memory/nightmare and she looked around the room, quickly remembering she was at Alec's house. It brought her a tiny bit of relief.

Fiore tried to lay back down and sleep again, but she felt vulnerable and weak right now. She felt unsafe and alone. So, reluctantly, she did the next best thing.

Opening the door and walking into the hallway, Fiore tried to remember which room was Alec's. She settled on the one with a blue doorknob and she knocked on the door.

She waited for a few seconds before a tired looking Alec opened the door. "Huh? Fiore? What's wrong?"

Fiore gulped, hoping he wouldn't have a negative reaction to her request.

"Uhm...would it be ok if I slept in your bed with you? I uhm... Had a really bad dream"

Fiore HATED how pitiful she was sounding. She never wanted to sound weak or be vulnerable, but she was still just a child.

Alec gave her a gentle smile, he was used to his. His son had nightmares alot and came to Alec for comfort, so Alec knew how to handle this.

"That's fine, cmon in so you can get some rest"

Fiore smiled in return.

(by the way, the events of the flashback/nightmare take place 2 days before chapter 1 )

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