Chapter 8

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"Do you think you are in the mood to arrest some abusive ass parents?" Alec asked calmly.

"You think I'm not?" Tom spoke, his voice laced with laughter and amusement.

Alec knew he had called the right person for this.

(Timeskip about 2 weeks)

Alec sat down next to Fiore on the couch as the girl read. Alec had been letting her read the books Alec had on his shelves, the girl read surprisingly quickly, finishing one of Alec's longest books in just 2 days.

Alec had been thinking about going to Fiore's school and asking them to bump her up a grade, since she wasn't learning much in 3rd grade. Well, Alec would ask if Tom was able to fulfill Alec's request.

Fiore wasn't aware yet, but Alec had asked Tom if he could find a way to make it possible for Alec to adopt Fiore, Tom said he would ask his boss.

Now, Alec was just sitting next to Fiore as he waited for a knock on the door.

Fiore was invested in the book, yet she still noticed Alec's waiting. She wasn't sure exactly WHAT he was waiting for, but it was still odd.

Usually, Alec would have a book to read, or would be on his computer sorting through book files for his library job. so this wasn't really normal.

Fiore decided it probably wasn't important, so she just continued to stay quiet and read her book.

Alec was lost in his thoughts when his attention was grabbed by a knock at the door.

Fiore heard this too and flinched slightly as Alec got up to meet whoever was at the door.

Alec walked over to the door and opened it, letting in whoever it was.

"...Tom?" Fiore spoke, noticing who was entering the door.

Next to Tom was a lady and a short guy Fiore didn't know.

"Uhm... Alec? Who are these people?" She asked.

"This is Mrs.Kristal and her assistant Oliver" Tom answered her.

"Oliver, the invites, please" Mrs.Kristal spoke.

Oliver took out two envelopes and handed them to Alec and Fiore.

Mrs.Kristal noticed Fiore's confused expression. "These are your invites to Disventure Camp All-Stars! it will be in 4 months" She answered Fiore's question before Fiore could even ask it.

"Do we have to go?" Fiore spoke

"Yes you do! You signed the contract and legally have to go. We only let one person decline because she had to take care of her daughter" Mrs.Kristal answered.

Fiore groaned to herself. She did NOT want to put up with another season of this shit but it seemed like she now did not have a choice.

Alec placed a hand on the young girl's shoulder and spoke to Tom.

"Did you get the papers?" He asked Tom.

Tom nodded. "Yep! Also, with all the backgrounds and checks done by Disventure Camp and Mrs.Kristal, the agency didn't need as much paperwork as they usually do. Plus, Miriam already paid of the bills for you"

"Wait, really? tell Miriam thanks for me!" Alec spoke

"Uhm...Paperwork? Agency? Bills? What the hell is going on?" Fiore asked, she did not like being the only clueless one.

Alec chuckled at her cluelessness, "You'll see" He responded.

He took the paperwork from Tom and signed his name on the papers, it was surprisingly quick, and he didn't need to read over the papers since he had done that online.

He handed the papers back to Tom. Tom scanned them over and then looked at Fiore and Alec.

"I also have some news for you two" He spoke.

"Fiore's parents are now in prison, they'll be there for at least 30 years with all the evidence you sent. But we found something weird while investigating" Tom lowered his voice down and whispered to Alec.

"Apparently, Her parents were close friends with a VERY wanted criminal, his name was Franklin. They put him in prison at the same time as Fiore's parents, but he got beaten to death by his cellmates. I can't say I'm sad about it, considering he was a child predator and some of his crimes consisted of sexually assaulting minors." Tom whispered to him

" you think he did that to Fiore??? I mean, it would make sense considering she had a bite mark on her neck when I found her, and she mentioned some...not so good things happening to her." Alec whispered back.

Fiore interrupted their whispering with a question. "Tom, if my parents are in prison, where am I gonna go?" she asked, she sounded a little nervous.

Tom gave her a smile and glanced at Alec.

Alec took that glance as his que to tell Fiore the news.

"Well, the papers I just signed say they aren't your legal parents anymore. so going back to them womt be an issue."

"huh?..." Fiore seemed confused for a moment before she processed what he was saying.

"WAIT. you're ADOPTING me!?!" She gasped excitedly.

"Indeed I am!" Alec chuckled.

Fiore instantly hugged him and smiled excitedly, "thank you thank you thank you!!!" she spoke.

Alec smiled and crouched down to be at her level as he hugged her back.

Tom gave them a smile and spoke "Well, my work here is done. I'll see you two at All-Stars. Tom nodded and exited the house.

Mrs.Kristal and Oliver exchanged a glance and gave the two a happy look. "i expect to see you two at All-Stars, bye!!!" Mrs.Kristal spoke, leaving the house along with Oliver.

Alec and Fiore waved goodbye to them as they left, and shifted their attention back to each other when the door closed.

"Thank you...Dad" Fiore spoke.

Alec hugged her a little tighter, as if he was protecting her from the world by using his body as a shield.

"I'll always protect you." he spoke softly. Fiore had a good parent now, and Alec had a daughter. The dream duo was back in business, and whoever will be on All-Stars better be prepared.

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