Chapter 6

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(sorry it took longer than usual to update this)

Alec and Fiore got up and walked over to the front door as they left the house, Alec shut the door behind them, making sure to lock it.

The two of them walked along the sidewalk to the store, which also happened to be the way Alec had walked when he found Fiore.

Fiore had a way better mood than then. She was able to walk easily now instead of flinching with every step because of the wounds on her legs. And she wasn't worried about someone killing her in her sleep or attacking her.

Alec was a lot calmer as well. He wasn't silently panicking about how to treat Fiore's wounds and how the hell she got them.

There also wasn't any tension between them like last time, That was a good development.

The two passed by the alleyways and walked down the sidewalk, Alec made sure he was on Fiore's side that faced the alleyway so she wouldn't pay it any mind.

"'s your son?" Fiore asked, wanting to break the silence and maybe learn more about Alec's son.

"He's good. My wife has him for the next month though"

"I'm glad you got some custody of him, I kind of expected they would remove all your custody because of... well.. you know why"

"Yeah...I was surprised as well. But hey, I wasn't going to say anything about it. Getting him 6 months a year is plenty. The court was generous"

The two of them stopped In Front of the store and walked inside.

Fiore walked next to Alec and she glanced around the store. She had never actually been inside of a store since her mother never took her in one and she hadn't gone in one while she was on the streets in fear of getting sent back to her parents.

Alec picked up some cotton pads off of one of the shelves and the two went to go stand in line for the cash register.

Fiore glanced around a bit more. There were 4 to 5 lines with people waiting to pay for their items. It was a little overwhelming to Fiore being around so many people.

Fiore flinched when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned her around to see who had tapped her shoulder.

"Drew?" Fiore spoke

Drew waved and scribbled on his notebook, turning it to Fiore when he was done. 'hi!' was written on it.

Alec heard Fiore and glanced at Drew as well. "Oh, hello, Drew! How have you been?" He spoke.

Drew wrote in his notebook and then showed it to Alec. 'good! I didn't expect to see you two here lol'

"Me neither, glad you've been doing well" Alec spoke. He noticed the line had moved forward and it was Alec's turn to get his items scanned.

In Fiore's opinion, Drew was surprisingly easy to talk to. He wasn't rude like most of the people Fiore had met.

Drew was kind of like an older brother. Fiore liked that.

"Well, your like...17 or 18 now, right?" Fiore asked

Drew scribbled on the notebook and then showed her the writing. 'yep! I'm 17' it read.

"Oooh, interesting. So, what are you considering doing as a career?" She spoke.

Drew wrote down some stuff again and then showed her. 'I want to become an author! I have good scores in my writing class'

"Same! I'm like, the top student of all of my classes. You'd make a good author, I think. Since you write a lot you probably know how to write better sentences and stuff" Fiore spoke.

Drew nodded and showed her his writing. 'Thank you!' Fiore gave him a smile before her attention was grabbed by Alec speaking.

"Alright Fiore, let's go. It was nice to see you, Drew" Alec spoke.

"Bye Drew!" Fiore waved to him as she followed Alec out of the store. Drew smiled and waved back.

Fiore walked next to Alec as they left the store and walked back to Alec's house.

"Wow. Stores are kind of weird..." Fiore spoke

"Wait. You've never been in a store before?" Alec asked, kind of surprised at this.

"Nope. My mom never cared enough to take me to one.and I didn't go in one while I was on the streets because they would've called the cops to bring me back to my parents"

"Everytime I think your parents can't get worse, they somehow do"

Fiore sighed. "Yep. That's my parents. Always getting shittier and shittier. Luckily, I won't have to see them ever again.....I hope" Fiore whispered that last part to herself.

Alec heard the mumble, but decided to ignore it. It was probably Fiore's silent way of reassuring herself.

Fiore glanced around the street a bit, there was a small, empty, dog park. There were the alleyways that Alec had found Fiore in. And not much else. It was quite an empty street.

Fiore was snapped out of her thoughts when she and Alec stopped In front of Alec's house. Alec walked up the porch steps and unlocked the door so he and Fiore could get inside.

Fiore sat down on the couch and read a book she had brought with her whole Alec made himself some coffee.

Once the coffee was done brewing, Alec poured himself some and drank it black. He didn't like the sugary coffee creamer.

Fiore suddenly flinched when she heard someone knock on the door.

She glanced at Alec, who looked just as confused as she did.

"Who the hell is knocking right now? It's almost night!" Fiore spoke.

Alec shrugged in confusion and agreement with Fiore. He approached the door and opened it.

Fiore sat in silence for a moment, wondering who was here. Maybe it was Alec's wife or son?

Her question was answered quite quickly when Alec shut the door and went back to Fiore.

"Fiore, get upstairs, Now." He spoke, his voice sounded serious.

"Why?" The girl asked.

".....your parents are here.."

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