Chapter Thirty-Five

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Howdy Partners, I am going to have a new story up soon. It is going to be an original, but very loosely based around the concept I have going on in this book.

Don't worry, this book will have a sequel, I've already planned it. The main character will be different, but Hawks and Dabi will be the same. It will be a continuation of what happens at the end. You'll get it by then, don't worry. ;)

Anyways, enjoyyyyyyy.


When the phone had finally switched on, you took a seat on Dabi's bed to scroll through it. No text, no pictures, just a completely empty smart phone. It seemed new too, but not like the latest model or anything. Dabi was cheap, but he knew you probably wouldn't want to deal with a flip phone to text him. That was a little ancient at this point. Honestly, he could have stole the damn thing for all you knew. Your familiarity with crime was increasing by the day, and you began to not mind. It was a bit more fun than your everyday life.

You copied Dabi's number from your phone and into the new one. All you sent was a question mark at first. You really didn't have anything good to say because this could all be a trap. When you didn't get an immediate response you sent "it's me, just get back to me whenever you can". The pushy part of you had subsided now with food in your system, and the comforting feeling of being on Dabi's bed. It was comfortable, and his pillows held the sent of his almost-too-overpowering shampoo mixed with cigarettes. In a short motion, you moved to crack his window to the fire escape, and pulled out your own pack of cigarettes. Only three left in there, you pulled one and began to smoke again. It was the only thing that seemed to calm your nerves, if you weren't abusing the meds Toni had prescribed. A puff of smoke breezed out the window. You watched as it swirled when it hit the fresh air, mixing, and dissipating in the wind. The sun was beginning to set, meaning Christmas was tomorrow. No text or calls from your mother, but that was typical. Hawks didn't respond, but you figured at this point he wouldn't. Your chest ached thinking the worst happened. This wasn't normal for him. He hadn't even shown any signs of being okay with the single feather left in his room. It hadn't moved since this morning...

Another drag of your cigarette, and then you snuffed it out in one of Dabi's ash trays, and saving the other half for later. You left the window open, letting the smoke air out a bit more, but you left the room. You needed to clear your head, and just disconnect for a bit. You popped an extra hydro, and plopped on the couch. Christmas specials and news broadcast were all you could find. Nothing about Hawks, and no good movies to watch. Your mind was running haywire. It could barely shut off until the drug started to kick in. You felt numb all over, and almost sunk into the couch a bit more. You settled on Twilight Zone reruns. The old black and white show reminded you again of Dabi, and you let out a small sigh. It was more shaky than you expected. A slow drip of tears began, only accelerating when you became aware of their existence. You'd been alone almost every Christmas since you were sixteen, but this one felt bad. You thought you'd finally have someone to spend it with, but you should have known. Good things were too good to be true when it came to someone like you.

Someone perpetually alone.

Your eyes were too heavy to keep open so you let them fall. You curled into the couch, listening to the tv. There was never a sound from either of the men's rooms, so you let yourself just sleep. There wasn't anything else you could manage.


The sun felt too bright against your skin. Two men in suits were walking you out of the commission building, leaving that world behind you. Eighteen had finally come, and your mother could no longer require them to keep you against your will. You swore an oath to not use your quirk outside of government facilities, but of course they only meant in dangerous situations. You had no intention of ever using it for harm, or to help. You thought your quirk was a curse for what it had forced you to go through. All you had to do was agree, and you were free. For the first month of release, you were provided an apartment but by the end of that month you had to start up keeping the rent. Of course this meant scrambling to find a job even though you had no real world skills. All you knew how to do was fight and hide.

Uncanny Roommates *Hawks x Dabi x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now