*The pogues are all hanging out at the chateau.
"My next door neighbours have a new foster kid moving in today" Sarah randomly says as she's lying on John B in the hammock.
"So?" JJ says taking a drag of his joint. He's sat with his back against the tree next to them and popes sat reading on a camping chair.
"Well they said she's my age so asked if I'd try and make friends with her" Sarah sits up.
"Wow arranged friends I'm sure this new girl will love that" JJ teases
"Shut up, apparently she's had a really tough time, so i'm gunna be nice to her, I'd appreciate it if you'd do the same"
"Woah why you bringing us into it Shes your friend Sarah" JJ teases
Sarah looks at John B for him to say anything but he just shrugs. "I agree with JJ, what's this girl got to do with us?"
"Whatever, I have to go, see you later" she kisses him on the cheek before climbing out of the hammock and leaving.
"See ya"
"Bye" John B says
"What was that about?" Pope asks the boys
"You know Sarah, she's just trying to do a good deed I guess" John B shrugs
"Somehow I don't think it's gunna go as well as what she thinks" JJ chimes in
"Why'd you say that?" Pope asks
"You can't force someone to be your friend?" He shrugs
———————————————————————————"And this is your room" val opens the bedroom door as kiara follows.
Kiara just looks around in silence. Taking it all in. She was pretty unsettled about moving to a new place, it's only been 6 months since she lost her entire family after all.
"Well I'll leave you to unpack, unless you want some help" val picks up a picture frame from the top of one of the boxes "aw this is nice, where do you want it"
"Don't touch that" kiara snatched it out of her hand. "Please" she softens as she realised she sounded harsh.
"Ok I'll just be downstairs if you need me"
She lets out a deep breath she'd been holding when the door finally closes shut and vals left. Finally she was alone.
She looks down at the picture, it's of her and her parents, the sight of them causes tears to fall from her eyes. How was she supposed to survive here without them? She was all by herself. She hugs the picture close to her chest.She stays in her room all afternoon, just sat on her bed not knowing what to do. She didn't want to unpack, because then she'd have to accept that she'd be staying here for the foreseeable future, and she wasn't quite ready to do that yet. So she just sits, knees up to her chest with her eyes closed and headphones on. Thoughts of her parents and their accident swirling uncontrollably around her head just like always. She blames herself for what happened to them.
Suddenly she hears a knock which takes her out of these thoughts.
"Kiara you have a visitor" val appears and she can see a blonde girl of a similar age to her stood behind her. She takes of her headphones.
"Hey I'm Sarah" the girl greets her.
"Ok?" Kiara mutters confused. Who is this girl? And what is she doing in her room?She's a complete stranger.
Val just smiles knowingly at Sarah. "I'll leave you girls to chat" she beams and kiara just rolls her eyes, she is trying way too hard.
"Hey" Sarah says again but kiara doesn't say anything. "You're kiara right?"

Foster kid
FanfictionWhat happens when kiara is uprooted and moved to the outer banks after losing her entire family.