they say I'm a....t*rrorist

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The world never changes.

Damian just nesting in his desk until it was his drama groups turn.

The theme was natural disasters or traumatic events that went global, like slavery and war for example, and of course Damian had no fun in this.

He was told to wear  a belt with toy bombs and a nerf gun.

The entire class laughed as he scowled.
"Looks like someone's embracing their culture" a few snickered.
"Aren't you gonna shoot" another Snickers.
"Boys. Stop it" the teachers scolds.

And the next day at school there were posters of him holding the nerf gun and the words #1threat written in bold at the bottom.

It wasn't a fun day, and Jon had to be absent.


Movie was supposed to be, was it, no it wasn't.

The movie was picked at random and it just had to be about terrorism, great.

This movie reminded him of how he was treated at school not so long ago.
"I'm going to bed" he muttered as he left, some nodded and bid him goodnight others (Tim and Jason) remained silent.


The next day, Damian entered the kitchen where everyone currently were and what did he have in his hand....

A gun. "Todd I ask that you put your belongings in one spot or I'll-"
"What shot" Tim snickered.
"No, throw them out, why would I-"
"Chill it's just jokes" Tim chuckled.
"Maybe to you."

Damian slammed the gun on the table.
"And for your information just because I held a gun doesn't mean I a fucking t*rrorist -tt-"
He stormed out.

Everyone remained silent and Dick was the first to leave.

Damian Wayne  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now