Under Pressure (2)

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Song Dedication: Fine Again by Seether


Emilia could not believe she was late again for her Honors Social Problems course, knowing that Professor Hill would most likely keep her after class if she got caught sneaking in the back row, where she would find her best friend Peter patiently waiting for her. She despised being late, but knew that unfortunately she couldn't control the speed of the subway station and with the minimum wage she was making working for Odinson's Laufey meant that she couldn't risk losing any time with all her money going towards her mothers medical bills.

She was already running on barely four hours of sleep after staying up late to do her Calculus in Business & Social Sciences homework that was due at the beginning of class that day. It wasn't any better since the subway ran late which meant that once she made it to W 29th St, Emilia broke out into a sprint, her school bag slung over her shoulder as she maneuvered her body through the crowd filled sidewalk. There was a chance that if she explained herself, Professor Hill wouldn't kick her out since most if not all her professors had a no tolerance rule for tardiness.

Emilia pants heavily as she finally made it to the entrance, using her student ID to get into the school and heading quickly in the direction of where her class was being held, the woman receiving an email the night prior informing her that class had been moved to a projection room for the following day. The halls of CUNY were empty and she took a moment to take in the silence, hoping to center herself after having already encountered a hectic morning at the diner. She stuffed her apron into her book bag, pulling out the textbook she would use for Miss Hill's class, hoping that she could sneak in without being noticed.

Once she reaches the door, Emilia does her best to open it without making too much noise but it seems her luck has run out as the door squeaks loudly announcing her presence to the whole class, the room going quiet as students turn into their seats to look at her. She freezes in her tracks as Professor Hill shot her a nasty glare, her face flustering in utter embarrassment at all the unwanted attention she was receiving.

"Late again, Miss Harvard?" Professor Hill asks bluntly, not at all pleased about the interruption. Emilia was a good student, her grades surpassing most if not all the students in class but it was her tardiness that hindered her overall learning.

"I'm sorry Professor Hill, I can assure you..." Emilia mumbles out, her throat tight as she tries to find the words to say, but she doesn't get another word out as Professor Hill continues.

Maria shakes her head at Emilia's words, knowing that she'd be late again and still pass any homework and assessments that she'd give out during class."Assure me that you won't be late for class again? Unfortunately, I've heard this excuse far too many times from you Miss Harvard."

"Now, take your seat and stay back after class." Professor Hill says seriously, nodding her head towards Emilia's seat in the back. If this were any other student, they would have been kicked out without another word. Emilia was different, despite always being late she always turned in all of her assignments on time and has failed not even one worksheet.

"You're lucky I don't send you on your way."

Emilia bows her head slightly, her light brown hair shielding her face from the disappointed expression on Professor Hill's face. It was like her best would never be good enough, no matter how hard she tried if it wasn't one thing going wrong, it was another and the pressure was heavily weighing on her shoulders.

"Yes ma'am, thank you." Emilia replies genuinely, not wasting another second as she moves to her seat next to Peter, whose gaze was fixated on her with widened green eyes.

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