Meeting Ms. Maximoff (3)

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Wanda was dreaming about a familiar pair of blue-grey eyes when her alarm clock woke her up from her slumber, the device beeping erratically on her bedside table. She was just getting comfortable in her dream until she was rudely interrupted, Wanda sighed out before sitting up and reaching her arm out to shut off the alarm. A small smile appeared on her face at the memory of how her Friday night ended, not to mention how her morning was going to get even better meeting Emilia in person at one of her most favorite coffee cafe spots.

She could feel her heart skip a beat at how Emilia complimented her without a second thought and then apologized for the abruptness, it was cute and Wanda imagined the girl blushing in embarrassment giving her the opportunity to fluster her more by telling her that she was flattered, which she was. There was something about the way Emilia texted it. It seemed so genuine.

'It's a pleasure to meet you, thank you very much for this opportunity and reaching out. I honestly didn't think anyone would actually match with me, let alone a woman as beautiful as you.'

To think that Emilia admitted that she didn't think she'd actually get matched spoke volumes about her personality, there was just a hint of low self esteem, but from what she'd read on the young woman's profile was that she wasn't experienced in the Sugar Baby world, which made it even better for her because it was something Emilia and her could work through together, it would be new for the both of them.

They could grow into it comfortably without forcing anything.

If she was satisfied with the meeting or date? Wanda was a little unsure what to call it, but planning this meetup was viewed differently, if it was anyone else it would have been categorized as an interview but she just wanted to use her time to get to know Emilia, not to nit pick her for her faults as she would have done possible other options. Wanda wanted to learn all that she could, and if she picked up on the vibe correctly Emilia was just as excited to meet her. All she could hope was that it wasn't due to her status, anyone she met was more intrigued about her job than about Wanda's life and how she made it to where she was now. Her life was anything but easy and rarely anyone ever took that into consideration.

She laid back against her pillows with a sigh, stretching her arms above her head at the peaceful sleep she had, for once Wanda felt well rested and it was a nice comparison to most of the mornings she woke up still feeling tired from all the tossing and turning due to scattered thoughts that came through her walls, but after telling Emilia goodnight Wanda had no problems falling asleep, it was...a little to nice. It was a bit odd, but she didn't have the time to overthink, Wanda was done overthinking and from now on, she was going to put herself out there and Emilia was her first option, the only option she actually liked right now. She hasn't even met the young woman yet, but Wanda didn't care to keep searching for other suitors because she only had eyes for Emilia, but she knew internally not to put her heart into it just in case, it was only realistic to keep some of her walls up to protect herself.

It was only seven, and if she really wanted to Wanda could go back to sleep but she had far too much energy to spare it seemed as her mind played in her mind how the meeting with the younger woman could go, wondering if she was even cuter in person or even if she would cancel knowing that the girl mentioned having an early morning shift.

'Should I message her?' Wanda thought to herself, biting her bottom lip in thought. It would be understandable if the girl called out, but she couldn't deny the slight disappointment that filled her chest at the thought of Emilia rescheduling.

"What if I'm interrupting her..." She continues to think internally, debating on whether or not it would be appropriate to reach out. With a slight huff, Wanda runs her fingers through her hair and on impulse reaches for her phone on the bedside table, opening up Honeysuckle to Emilia's page.

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