Brotherly Love & Late Night FT (5)

748 30 17


Song Dedication:

To Right To Be Wrong



It was currently noon on a Wednesday and Wanda's overall morning had gone by extremely smoothly and that was always one thing she appreciated, the easy going days where nothing went wrong. Because when it wasn't a smooth day, it was usually chaotic and exhausting to the point she'd find herself daydreaming about curling up in bed with a glass of wine and a good read to release all the tension she'd gained over the course of the day. Don't get her wrong, her job meant everything to her but it could be draining as well being around so many emotions whilst her focus was primarily on keeping out the onslaught of thoughts that came from every which direction.

Though now it seemed that instead of wanting to just enjoy wine and a good read, all Wanda found herself wanting was Emilia's attention. Since meeting her again on Monday, it felt like the busyness of her career meant they'd have to get by sending sweet texts to one another. Wanda remembered what it was like to be in her early twenties and physically her body could take on the world, but now it was like exhaustion would hit hard and most often not she'd be asleep before eleven meaning that any texts she'd be sending and receiving were either good morning or good night texts. It was nice, but she ached for more, maybe she'd start sending voice notes instead because there was no better thought then getting to hear Emilia's voice again.

At the moment though, her and Natasha were enjoying a picnic type lunch in her office together while she scrolls through and replies to a few emails that needed her immediate attention.

Popping a grape into her mouth, Wanda chews thoughtfully, before her gaze returns to the red-haired woman sitting comfortably on her desk while she takes in the view of the city in front of them. "So when does Bucky come back from his mission? Steve mentioned to me yesterday that he should be getting some leave time from Sokovia since the terrorist attacks have decreased significantly. Which I was personally pleased to hear, I try not to watch the news too much because it always..."

"Makes you anxious," Natasha finishes the sentence, waving the bronde haired woman off, halting her words since she was already aware of why Wanda stays away from the media and prefers to not watch the news. She had grown up from her childhood trauma with the help of therapy and a loving environment she got from her adoptive father, but that didn't stop her from having triggers and the news was one thing that could have her fall into an anxiety attack or possible flashbacks to the bombings she and Pietro encountered. "Don't worry Wands, you don't have to explain. It's probably best that you steer clear of the media, you know how they always make things sound worse than they really are."

"You're right, I guess it's just that sometimes I'm curious about what's happening over there." Wanda says thoughtfully, humming to herself. She knew that it was probably in her best interests to stay away from things that could trigger her, but that didn't stop her from wondering, it was her home after all and because Max lived in a safer area far away from Ultron's tyranny and overall less terrorism activity.

"And when I ask father he always keeps it minimal and tells me it's not something for me to worry about." When she and Pietro visited home, it was always pleasant, a completely different aura than the area they'd been raised in as children, less violence and poverty. They would always volunteer as well, to the less fortunate but Pietro and her father kept her from delving into the more active areas.

"I mean he is right, you know how stressed you can get and you already do so much, you're literally the biggest contributor to the Sokovian Affairs Association." Nat replies honestly, munching on some radish and red pepper slices with the spicy garlic hummus Wanda made for them. She loved when Wanda brought them lunch, because it saved her from doing much work and not to mention the younger girls' cooking skills were always on par.

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