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Song Dedication:

II Most Wanted

~ Beyonce & Miley Cyrus


Emilia woke up slowly, her nose scrunching as she could feel the sunlight around her with her eyes closed. She found herself feeling immensely comfortable, but one thing that felt out of place was the arm wrapped delicately around her waist.

'What the hell...?' Emilia thinks to herself, raising her arm up slightly startled at her position against the softest, yet very unfamiliar sheets.

That's when she noticed the warm body leaning into her back, particularly a set of female breasts could be felt poking into her back and in a quick jolt Emilia sat up in a rush, her alarm causing whomever it was to wake up in a fright too.

'What's the matter detka, are you alright?'

Emilia's breath hitches in her throat at the familiar raspy Sokovian accent that belonged to a certain green eyed woman.

Turning on the spot, Emilia flushes intensely at Wanda laying right by her side, her hand holding onto her waist with an almost possessive vibe from the way Wanda grips her intimately. At the sight of the woman of her thoughts lying comfortably in unfamiliar red satin sheets, a lush pearl comforter thrown over her waist as her head tilted in concern. Her green orbs shine in worry, bronde colored hair mussed up cutely from her sleep.

Wanda squeezes her waist gently and Emilia's breath hitches again, not quite understanding what exactly was happening. This was not her bed and she knew for sure she hadn't spent the night with Wanda. Emilia was stunned speechless, she was in Wanda's bed! Her sugar mommy's bed, and she had no recollection on how she got there.


'Wanda?' Emilia replies back, blinking a few times as she is sat inches away from the older woman, comfortable in silky sheets that felt fabulous on her skin. But it was the way Wanda was holding onto her that had her feeling astonished.

'Are you alright, did you have a bad dream?' She asks, moving a hand up to cup Emilia's face gently, her thumb caressing her warm skin.

'I'm-I'm alright darling,' Emilia kicks herself at how easily it had been to call Wanda, darling, to be honest she was, she was her darling. Not really, but she had the woman for next six months and Emilia wouldn't mind if they renewed the contract either, the idea was something she wanted. Even early on into meeting, she selfishly wanted to keep Wanda to herself and never let her go now that she was in her life.

The Boss' Sugar Baby | Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now