Contracts & Avengers Private Practice (4)

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A/N: I would like to dedicate this chapter to lovepersevering2 because even through their own personal hardships they gave me the time of day to listen to me vent about the possibility of making this story a thing. You've been such a lovely friend to me and i hope you enjoy this special chapter c;


Emilia sat clad in her night clothes, socks and all as she sat on the living room floor in criss-cross position while slouched over with her black round framed glasses perched on the tip of her nose. She focused intently on assembling the engine parts in front of her. She'd tossed the instructions aside moments ago, the set of directions not needed since a bike engine was most definitely not as complicated as putting together a go kart engine.

She was lucky enough to be able to purchase a bike on Sunday with an engine attachment kit after her shift at Odinson's Laufey with some of the money Wanda had gifted her on Saturday. Currently, it's nine-thirty Monday morning, two days since she saw Wanda and to say that the woman has been on her mind day and night since having the pleasure of meeting her in person would be an understatement. It was like regardless of what she was doing, Emilia always found her mind shifting back to the way Wanda's green eyes would glint happily when she laughed or smiled.

The bike sat next to the sliding doors perched upright on a bicycle stand, where the small patio was located. Emilia had a few foldable chairs out there but mostly the deck was covered in plants that were freshly bloomed as they absorbed rays of sunlight shining down upon their petals. She couldn't believe that with Wanda's help she was one step closer at being able to have some form of transportation and could be comfortable with taking the Work Study position that Professor Hill had offered her which meant that she could manage her money better since she'd be earning a little extra income.

Emilia paid close attention while she used a wrench to tighten some bolts along the lining of the engine where the engine block was to be attached to the cylinder head. She felt really lucky that she had her father to teach her simple mechanics before he died, it had made her becoming head of house an easier transfer since she took care of fixing up things from the kitchen sink to changing out the spark plugs from the car or replacing the gas tank on the lawn mower.

"Ah! Fuck..." Emilia exclaims loudly, pulling away her hand as she suddenly cut her finger from not being careful while she connects the pieces together in order to fit the wires through.

Sucking her cut finger gently, Emilia isn't surprised when she hears the jingling of a key on the other side of her door. There was only one person who was trusted enough to actually have a spare key to her apartment and that was the one and only Star Lord.

"Good morning, princess!" Peter exclaims, walking into the small apartment without a care in the world as he shuts the door with his boot-covered foot.

He was carrying a tray that held two strawberry banana smoothies made with oat milk just how Emilia liked it. Peter places the drinks on the coffee table, shooting Emilia his signature dimpled smile before planting his body on the sofa wasting no time as he gets comfortable.

"Got your favorite, Princess." Peter says, taking a generous sip of his own smoothie. Moaning idiotically while giving Emilia a playful wink.

"As happy as I am to see you, don't you have class with Professor Coulson on Monday's?" Emilia asks, standing up from her spot on the floor to go into the kitchen in search of a bandage for the slightly deep cut on her finger.

"Lucky for me, class was canceled since Coulson had some kind of emergency to handle." Peter explains, his green eyes widening slightly as he notices the plate of strawberry toast sitting uneaten on Emilia's coffee table next to a crumbled up stack of instructions.

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