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Yonsei university, where the roles of the people which the fate has picked for them, come to train their powers and be the perfectionist in their role.

Had anyone were given the chance to pick their role, they will choose protagonist or neutral

Who would even want to be a antagonist, whose end doesn't have an happy ending?

It is fate who decides the role that a significant would play in the story they would be sent to, irrespective of their willingnes.

When the roles are given, they receive the invitation letter of Yonsei university, and though it is called invitation, the people didn't have a choice to choose, they simply have to go.

So the same thing happens again like it has been happening for over a decades, but this time, things take turns unexpectedly as the thirteen boys find themselves uncovering the truth.

But the fate is against them.


Yang Jungwon / @yangyang
Bio - i haven't been myself ever since I was born.
Age - 19 yrs old.

Park jeongseong / @jay
Bio - who said I'm funny? I am actually very mean, but everyone thinks I'm just kidding!
Age - 21 yrs old.

Geonu / @unoeg
Bio - guilty as charged! My hotness caused global warning🔥
Age - 21 yrs old.

Kim Daniel / @dongkyu
Bio - if you're going to be stupid, at least be entertaining. Smh 🤦‍♂
Age - 19 yrs old

Lee heeseung / hee_seung
Bio - life is too short to be updating twt bios.
Age -  22 yrs old.

Park Sunghoon / honnie0_0
Bio - my favorite extreme sport is avoiding people.
Age - 21 yrs old.

Kim sunoo / @sunissunoo
Bio - u drink too much and gossip too much? Let's be friends!!
Age - 20 yrs old.

Taki / @nottakitaki
Bio - awesome has 7 letters so do meeeeee!
Age - 18 yrs old.

Koga Yudai / @kei_i
Bio - born at an exceptionally young age 😮‍💨
Age - 23 yrs old.

Nicholas / @chaoslin
Bio - god's creativity knows no bounds! I mean, just look at me!😍
Age - 23 yrs old.

Nashimura Riki / @nikiriki
Bio - why are u here again? 🤨
Age - 18 yrs old.

Hanbin / @hannie
Bio - the worst part about being humble is that u can't brag about it. 
Age - 23 yrs old.

Sim jayean / @jakeyy
Bio - Even calenders say WTF after monday and Tuesday.
Age - 21 yrs old.


I altered/ adjusted members age to fit the plot better.

Moreover, I wasn't aware with the fact that kei is actually very aged so it was the big reason to change the age.

Hope yall won't be confused in chapters.


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