26: Shifting?

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"why am I doing this again?"

Sunoo whined, lifting a cartoon box with a frown and moving towards the door to place it on top of other boxes placed there.

"because you're our friend." heeseung responded, stacking all the files in one box.

Since the academy has declared to keep a separate section, the antagonist and neutral characters have to shift their stuffs to different dorms and class.

And the council office is now divided into three in three different sections where their classes will be held. With that being said, only antagonist and neutral have to shift.

"your nishi might be coming here anytime soon now." hanbin set his phone aside after sending few texts to ni-ki. "why aren't you doing anything?" sunoo yelled.

"i am working, have patience." hanbin rolled his eyes, going to help the sulky protagonist.

"heeseung hyung is just stacking the files in a box, jay hyung is tapping the box and you are glued to your phone like a leech." Sunoo complained.

"you protagonist get so much advantage, you wouldn't die if you help us a little." jay counter attacked.

"they don't have to shift dorm rooms, class, neither council office nor cafeteria. It's just us who have to suffer." jaehyun came to pick the box with neutral label.

"we protagonist gonna suffer in the stories anyway, so the academy protects us now." sunoo grumbled with an eye roll.

"sunoo?" ni-ki peeked his head inside the council office before inviting himself inside.

"nishi?" Sunoo's face lit up immediately, making hanbin roll his eyes at the sudden change with a small head shake.

"here, drink this. I'll help you." ni-ki handed him an energy drink before going to help the others.

Sunoo happily sat beside jungwon who look very concentrate on the computer, ignoring all the noise.

"and who said you can sit?" Jay raised his brow, "jungwon's not helping too, but you aren't saying anything to him." sunoo glared at him.

On hearing his name, jungwon's ears perked up but he pretended to work. "he is doing something authorities have asked him to." Jay replied.

"really?" hanbin turned towards jungwon, "uh, yeah, I have to report this." he turned towards the computer again.

"why does jay knows about jungwon alot this days?" hanbin teased, "i will just text nicholos hyung to come here." jay took out his phone.

A tint of pink covered hanbin's ears and he went quite, and it didn't went unnoticed by anyone in the office.

"let's just finish this quickly." heeseung ushered everyone to work fast.

"why quickly? The slower we do work, the longer we will be able to skip lectures." ni-ki smiled widely.

"we don't have that much time, tomorrow or maybe day after tomorrow we have to start our lectures in our section." jay replied.

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