25: Sunset And Missing?

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"no one's liking the abrupt change."

Jay started the conversation after they sat on the ground exhausted from the practice they have been doing from past hour.

It was like any other day where jungwon helped Jay in controlling his dark magic and so far, the older have improved a lot.

" i can understand." jungwon agreed, recalling all those constant beep of his phone because of the overflowing message in the council group leaving him no choice but to put his phone on silent.

They remained silent for few moments not knowing what else to talk about. Jay side glanced at the younger, watching him pluck the small grass underneath his palm.

His lips parted to speak but nothing came out as he contemplated his thoughts and eventually he made up his mind.

"would you like to watch sunset with me, dimples?"

The cold breeze blew harshly over the river, the flowing water clashed against the big rocks as the sunset cast a warm glow on the two figures walking towards the river.

The figures seeming to look like a silhouette under the sun. Jungwon clutched on his coat to warm up his cold hands.

His actions not going unnoticed by the antagonist and after contemplating for a while he closed his eyes as he whispered a spell under his breath.

And soon enough they were engulfed by warmth around them. Jungwon looked around in confusion with the sudden increase in the temperature.

"eh? How did it turn hot sudde—?" jungwon stopped mid sentence when he turned to jay, "you cast a spell? And even control it to your will?"

A wide smile appeared on his face as he subconsciously stepped closer towards Jay in excitement. Jay wanted to find a way to use his magic in a positive way.

And jungwon did trained him for that however it never really worked fully, since dark magic can only be used for evil purpose.

So to control it and use it as per your wish turned to be something challenging and now seeing as to how jay created a warm barrier around them, jungwon was happy.

"hmm..." jay hummed in response as he stared at the protagonist, his dimples prominent and Jay felt a different feeling with the thought that he was the reason of his adorable smile.


[ cancel academy 2024]
11 members online

Cupid 💘
Hey pals
Hru yall? 😍


Let me guess the cause
U r sad u can't see sunoo aka ur loml during academy hours

Yea and not even in dorm 😭

Aw nishi i am gonna miss u too <3


Why yall r acting as if u guys aren't gonna ever meet behind the academy 🙄

Quite being jealous hades

I am not

Ngl I am gonna miss having lunch with my angel😭 I can't even stare at him from across the table

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