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Days of vacation has finally passed.
After a long time of exploring Mumbai, the Kolhi and Mehra family has finally returned back to Delhi.
The parents are back to their offices and the kids are back to their overloaded assignments.

Ranbir is in his room trying to go through his notebooks studying for his upcoming test.
He has been changing his reading position and has been staring at the books for a long time but nothing seems to be entering his brain.
He hasn't learnt anything since.
Ranbir: ahhhhh Lord Krishna help me, this book is so boring. Why can't it be like football.
He said standing up as he held his ball in his hand.
Prachi: it's a book to study not a ball to kick with your foot.
She said as she leaned on the wall.
Ranbir: baby I wonder how you do it. Geography is so boring.
Prachi: that's just because you aren't concentrating.
She bends to pick up the book from the bed but Ranbir leaned on her as he held her waist.
Ranbir: instead of reading, why don't we play romance?
Prachi: it's late and our parents aren't back from their workplaces.
Ranbir: that gives us time to get intimate. Doesn't it?
Prachi: I just want to look at the stars.
She said getting out of Ranbir's hold as she went to the window.
Ranbir's hold on her is increasing the butterflies in her stomach making her feel nervous.
And her being nervous could make her do things she would regret.
Ranbir: then I will watch the stars with you.
He said leaning towards her as his hands roams her naked waist moving her saree dupatta to one side.
Prachi feels safe with him but at the same time, she couldn't dey that the butterflies in her stomach have increased.
They both look at the stars together as they cuddle in each other's arms.
Ranbir: prachi Aroura I will always love you with all of my heart and soul. You will always be my strength cause when everyone turned their backs against me you supported me. I love you 💝💝
Prachi smiles as she placed Ranbir's hand on her chest for him to feel her heartbeats.
Prachi: Ranbir, the thumping sound you feel in my chest is the sound of my heart 💓💓 calling your name. Just as you said I will always be your strength, you always would be my heart. Without you, I will die cause you are my heart. I love you too 💖💖💖💖.
They held onto each other.
Ranbir comes in front of prachi as he held her chin gently.
Ranbir: prachi, can we always be like this? Together under the stars cuddling forever like there is no tomorrow.
Prachi: Ranbir we will always be together. Even death can't do us apart.
She said hugging Ranbir.

The big beautiful moon 🌑🌑 already made the scene a beautiful one.
The stars twinkle around the shining moon.
A beautiful vow has been made tonight.
A vow of love and togetherness.

Ranbir broke the hug as he brought her closer for a kiss.
His hands roamed around her body as they explored them.
Slowly her dupatta was in the ground followed by her blouse.

Tonight's vow has been sealed with love making.
A vow that might be broke💔💔.

At Aryan's house,
Aryan is now a drinking mess after Rhea left.
He tried contacting her but it doesn't seem to get through.
He tried finding her but he hasn't still seen her.
He really loves Rhea a lot💖💖.
But she kept breaking his heart.
He poured more alcohol into a cup as he drank it in a gulp.
He ruffles his hair in anxiety as he dials Rhea's number once more again but it wasn't going through.
Out of anger, he threw his phone against the wall as the screen broke into different pieces.
He hurriedly grab a white small nylon containing a white substance in it.
He inhaled it in as he hit his head on the wall.
Aryan has been involved in drugs since when Rhea left.
He needed something to use to keep his sanity alive and so he was introduced into drugs by some students in the school.
The absence of Rhea in his life has really cost him a lot.

Tears flowed down his eyes as he remembered old memories.

Rhea and Aryan are in a park.
They just made up again recently.
They sat on a bench as they watch the big full moon shine.
Rhea: Aryan, I am sorry for not always being there. I am sorry for always breaking your heart. I am sorry🙏🙏
She bows her head as she spoke out of guilt.
Aryan: it's okay. Atleast you are here now.
He said as he held her chin higher and closer to her face.
Aryan: I love you 💟💟
Rhea: Aryan,
She said holding his hands.
Rhea: I promise to always be with you through sorrows and joy, I will be three with you through everything. I love you a lot Aryan, I do.
Aryan: Rhea I can't do without you don't leave me.
Rhea: I would never do that.
She said pulling in it a kiss under the bright Moon.

~end of flashback~

Aryan: why did you leave me why?
He said as he smashed a photo frame of rhea's photo.
Aryan: you promised to be there but now you are no where to be found. I love you Rhea 💖💖 .
He said as he breaks down in tears.


In London,
Rhea is seen at a bar partying like there's no tomorrow with tears running down her cheeks.
Her friends have been asking her what the problems was but she was not saying anytime.
She just kept dancing and singing along.
Today marks the fifth year since she met Aryan.
But he isn't here to be with her and it's all because of her.
She really hates her life.
She hates herself a lot.
In just few weeks time, she will excute her plan of getting into Ranbir's life again.
She really wished Aryan was here.
She and he normally come to bars together, have fun and end up drunk.
She felt very sad for leaving him and for also breaking their promises of being together.
She remembers the night when they took their vow of togetherness.

Rhea and Aryan are in a park.
They just made up again recently.
They sat on a bench as they watch the big full moon shine.
Rhea: Aryan, I am sorry for not always being there. I am sorry for always breaking your heart. I am sorry🙏🙏
She bows her head as she spoke out of guilt.
Aryan: it's okay. Atleast you are here now.
He said as he held her chin higher and closer to her face.
Aryan: I love you 💟💟
Rhea: Aryan,
She said holding his hands.
Rhea: I promise to always be with you through sorrows and joy, I will be three with you through everything. I love you a lot Aryan, I do.
Aryan: Rhea I can't do without you don't leave me.
Rhea: I would never do that.
She said pulling in it a kiss under the bright Moon.

Rhea: let's play Aryan.
She said running around.
Rhea: catch me if you can.
She said giggling.
As she ran around, Aryan chased her.
She kept running as she closed her eyes feeling the cold breeze blowing through her open hair.
She was oblivious to the fact that a stone was on her way.
As she took a step, she tripped on the stone and was about to fall.
But Aryan was there just in time to catch her.
He held her tight.
Aryan: if you were to fall, I would rather save you or fall with you. I won't like you go through anything alone.
Rhea: you will forever be my superman.
She said as she hugs him tight.

~end of flashback~

Remembering a memory like that made her break down in tears.
She just kept weeping as she watched her bottle of alcohol falls from her hands.
Her friends were becoming worried at her behavior.
Lucy: girl what's wrong with you? You are embarrassing yourself.
She said lifting her up but she just end up falling down again.
Maya: we need to get her home.
Rhea: I am fine, let's just celebrate Maya's arrival.
She said as she staggered drunk.
Lucy: you are not fine, you need to get home.
She said as she and Maya help Rhea up and off they went to her house.

Tonight promises were made and others have been broken.
Love is a feeling that can create just like pranbir's love but can destroy just like Rheyan's love.
Love makes you feel like it's path is the right one at the same time makes it feels like the wrong path.
Love is patience (Aryan)
Love is  everything
But without it, one is lifeless, a mess, in a deplorable state.
Love kills one.
Love is just so powerful that it could do anything.
It could even change the world.


Hey guys,
I have no bad feelings about love but I just want to advise you guys that in every love situation you find yourself, never break down and cry if it's not worth it.
Be strong if not for yourself but for the sake of the happy memories.
Love is beautiful but it could also be cruel too.


Hey guys I hope you are enjoying the story.
It's just getting interesting.
Please stay tuned for more chapters

I also really appreciate all of your support and votes.
They really mean a lot.
I really wish you guys a happy holiday🎅🎅🎄🎄🎆🎆🎇🎇🎁🎁


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