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vol ii
chapter four

The Hunters break camp as quickly as they'd set it up.
Artemis stares into the east like she's expecting something. Her newest hunter, Bianca, sits off to one side, talking with Nico.
From his gloomy face, it's clear that she's explaining her decision to join the Hunt.

Thalia and Grover join Percy and Helia, huddling around them, anxious to hear what had happened in their audience with the goddess.
When they're told, Grover turns pale. "The last time the Hunters visited camp, it didn't go well."

"How'd they even show up here?" Percy wonders. "I mean, they just appeared out of nowhere."
"And Bianca joined them," Thalia says, disgusted. "It's all Zoe's fault. That stuck-up, no good—"
"Thalia," Helia says. The girl looks at her sheepishly.

"Who can blame her?" Grover says. "Eternity with Artemis?" He heaves a big sigh.
Thalia rolls her eyes. "You satyrs. You're all in love with Artemis. Don't you get that she'll never love you back?"
"But she's so... into nature," Grover swoons.
"You're nuts," says Thalia.
"Nuts and berries," Grover says dreamily. "Yeah."

Finally, the sky begins to lighten. Artemis mutters, "About time. He's so-o-o lazy during the winter."
Helia chuckles, agreeing with her Aunt.
"You're, um, waiting for sunrise?" Percy asks.
"For my brother. Yes."

Now Percy knows the legends about Apollo—or sometimes Helios—driving a big sun chariot across the sky.
But he also knows that the sun is a really big star about a zillion miles away.
He'd gotten used to some of the Greek myths being true, but still... he couldn't see how Apollo could drive the sun.

"It's not exactly as you think," Artemis says.
"Oh, okay." Percy starts to relax. "So, it's not like he'll be pulling up in a—"

There's a sudden burst of light on the horizon. A blast of warmth.
"Don't look," Artemis advises. "Not until he parks."

Percy averts his eyes, seeing the others doing the same, except for Helia.
The girl simply basks in the light and warmth.
Suddenly, it dies.
And there's a red convertible Maserati Spyder.

The driver gets out, smiling. Percy thinks he looks about seventeen or eighteen, and for a second, he has the uneasy feeling it's Luke, his old enemy.
This guy has the same sandy hair and outdoorsy good looks.

But it isn't Luke. This guy is taller, with no scar on his face like Luke's. His smile is brighter and more playful. (Luke didn't do much more than scowl and sneer these days.)

The Maserati driver wears jeans, loafers, and a sleeveless T-shirt.
"Wow," Thalia mutters. "Apollo is hot." Helia hits her.
"He's the sun god," Percy says.
"That's not what I meant."

"Little sister!" Apollo calls. "What's up? You never call. You never write. I was getting worried!"
Artemis sighs. "I'm fine, Apollo. And I am not your little sister."
"Hey, I was born first."
"We're twins! How many millennia do we have to argue—"
"So what's up?" he interrupts. "Got the girls with you, I see. You all need some tips on archery?"

Artemis grits her teeth. "I need a favor. I have some hunting to do, alone. I need you to take my companions to Camp Half-Blood."
"Sure, sis!" Then he raises his hands in a stop-everything gesture. "I feel a haiku coming on."
The Hunters all groan. Apparently, they'd met Apollo before.

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