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vol ii
chapter five

"Whoa," Nico says as he climbs off the bus, taking in the camp before him. "Is that a climbing wall?"
"Yeah," Percy replies.
"Why is there lava pouring down it?"
"Little extra challenge. Come on. I'll introduce you to Chiron. Zoe, have you met—"

"I know Chiron," Zoe says stiffly. "Tell him we will be in Cabin Eight. Hunters, follow me."
"I'll show you the way," Grover offers.
"We know the way."
"Oh, really, it's no trouble. It's easy to get lost here, if you don't"—he trips over a canoe and comes up still talking—"like my old daddy goat used to say! Come on!"

Zoe rolls her eyes. Helia mouths 'good luck'.
The Hunters shoulder their packs and their bows and head off towards the cabins.
As Bianca's leaving, she leans over and whispers something in her brother's ear. She looks at him for an answer, but Nico just scowls and turns away.

"Take care, sweethearts!" Apollo calls after the Hunters. He winks at Percy. "Watch out for those prophecies, Percy. I'll see you soon."
"What do you mean?"
He ignores him and grabs Helia, proceeding to spin her around again. "My Star. I know you'll do me proud with what's to come."

He sets her down and hops back in the bus. "Later, Thalia," he calls. "And, uh, be good!"
He gives the three a wicked smile, as if he knows something they don't.
Then he closes the doors and revs the engine. The sun chariot takes off in a blast of heat.

A red Maserati soars over the woods, glowing brighter and climbing higher until it disappears in a ray of sunlight.

Nico is still looking grumpy.
"Who's Chiron?" he asks. "I don't have his figurine."
"Our activities director," Helia replies. "He's... well, you'll see.
"If those Hunter girls don't like him," Nico grumbles, "that's good enough for me. Let's go."

Now most half-bloods only train during the summer. So only the year-rounders should be here, but there don't seem to be many of them.

Charles Beckendorf from the Hephaestus cabin is stoking the forge outside the camp armoury.
The Stoll brothers, Travis and Connor, from the Hermes cabin, are picking the lock on the camp store. They turn to wave at Helia before continuing.

A few kids from the Ares cabin are having a snowball fight with the wood nymphs at the edge of the forest.
Percy turns to the girl beside him and says, "No, Clarisse?"
Helia shakes her head. "She's on a quest for Chiron."
"Is she okay?"
He notices Helia's face fall. "No one's heard from her in a month. She's MIA."
"But it's Clarisse, right? So she'll be okay." He tries to reassure her.
"Right." Helia sighs.

The Big House is decorated with strings of red and yellow fireballs that warm the porch but don't seem to catch anything on fire.
Inside, flames crackle in the hearth. The air smells like hot chocolate.
Mr. D, the camp director, and Chiron are playing a quiet game of cards in the parlour.

Chiron's brown beard is shaggier for the winter. He wears a fuzzy sweater with a hoofprint design on it, and he has a blanket on his lap that almost hides his wheelchair completely.

He smiles when he sees the group. "Helia! Percy! Thalia! Ah, and this must be—"
"Nico di Angelo," Percy says. "He and his sister are half-bloods."
Chiron breathes a sigh of relief. "You succeeded, then."
His smile melts. "What's wrong? And where is Annabeth?"
One look at Helia's face, and the centaur knows. He comfortingly wraps an arm around her.

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