
289 6 14


Boston, 2019

Ghidorah had me pinned. All three heads had my throat. There was only one way to get out of this. A rumbling shot through my spines, and Ghidorah was thrown off me in a blast of blue heat. He only retreated a little, so I kept firing. It started to hurt.

The dark, electric sky suddenly burst into bright blue and white light. I kept firing. I had to keep Ghidorah back. A familiar cry sounded from the clouds as a small, winged kaiju descended. I stopped firing to take an ashy breath and saw Ghidorah turn. . . only to get immediately pinned against a building. All three heads were struggling to escape the silky net they were suddenly caught in.

Silk? I heard the cry again. An echoing screech. I know exactly who has come to my aid, and I regrettably know exactly how this fight will end.

I briefly gaze up at Mosura, her wings flashing and catching the attention of the second head just as it broke free of the silk. Mosura wouldn't survive a single attack from Ghidorah. I had to keep its attention on me. I surged forward, pushing the monster into the building and letting it collapse unto them.

All three heads went down.

I huffed in triumph (and slight relief). The center head weakly looked up at me, screaming. It was cursing me, no doubt. Thankfully, I never could understand its alien language. Mosura screeched angrily behind me. She was diving at the center head, perfectly positioned to slice into it. The dark cloud next to her brightened, and Rodan barged through, clashing into her in midair, sending them both tumbling.

I roared in anger and grabbed Ghidorah, who had almost recovered. I managed to pin the outside heads and repeatedly smashed the center head into the ground and a nearby building. The second head wriggled free and spotted an electric metal arch. It extended its head and bit down on the arch. At once, Ghidorah began draining the entire city's power. Slightly concerned and confused about what it was doing, I foolishly turned my head in its direction.

A flash of light so bright I was blinded rippled off of Ghidorah. I stumbled back, tilting my head towards the ground, trying to avoid the harsh rays. It was like staring directly into the sun. I swear I saw Ghidorah smirk. He was now fully recovered and energized, while my entire body was starting to hurt. The boost of radiation the humans had given me was more than I'd possessed in over a century. I had to keep expelling it, or else my eyes, nose, mouth, and gills could become damaged.

Just to my left, Mosura was thrown into a pillar and slammed into by Rodan. It distracted me for a split second. Mosura was fast and incredibly powerful, but she was surprisingly delicate for a kaiju of her size. If Rodan ever decided to stop toying with his enemy and use any of his fire. . . I didn't want to think about it. Not yet. Not now.

Mosura screeched in defiance and pain as she stabbed at Rodan's face. She hit, chipping a piece of his horn off. Rodan jumped off of her but quickly circled back around. Mosura wisely pulled herself higher onto the pillar, so when he attacked again, she would have more advantage. I almost felt proud. It was entirely possible that she had learned to do that by watching me over the centuries.

Rodan snapped at her, but she managed to dodge several times before suddenly stabbing her stinger right through his thick, rock-like armor. It was a clean cut through his shoulder to his back, disabling one of his wings. She tossed him off the pillar as he shrieked in pain and thrashed about. I huffed in approval. Mosura had once again proven to be a valuable ally.

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