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Egypt, 2027

I straightened and smelled something. . . off. I looked to the east and saw Morehu walking amongst the pyramids. In an effort to possibly intimate, he roared an alpha's challenge and raised his fists in the air.

Oh boy. . . I was pissed.

I roared in acceptance and leaped into the sea, racing down the channels as fast as possible. I had warned him to stay away or he would he apparently didn't care. How I hadn't sensed him earlier. . . I didn't know. It didn't matter now anyway, he'd be dead in a few moments. This Kong wanted to be in charge so bad that he didn't even care I'd killed dozens of his species centuries ago. I almost respected that.

Bridges crumbled as they hit my dorsal spines. In the past, it would have hurt, but recently, I hadn't been able to feel any pain at all. It made me feel unstoppable and Morehu had chosen the worst day to anger me.

I leaped ashore, sprinting on all fours, crushing anything and everything below me. Morehu stood his ground but wavered. He was not backing out of his fight! I wouldn't let him!

I charged and he waved his hands around. "Godzilla, listen to me, we must-"

I roared and ran even faster.

"Godzilla, wait-"

I tackled him over the pyramid behind him and threw him into the next one. As I charged again, he scrambled to his feet and threw sand into my eyes.

Low blow. Completely unfair.

I stumbled over the pyramid and whipped around to bite his face just as he blocked with his arm that was now covered in a metal barrier. He seriously thought he would have a better chance by putting on a bit of fake armor? I almost laughed. I kept pushing and forced him into the last pyramid, slashing at him, pushing his head into the rock before lifting him over my head and flipping him over backwards. I raised my foot to crush his face but he rolled, jumped to his feet, and punched me in the jaw.

It hurt. Really bad. Pain flew back into my scales after what had felt like forever. I fell down hard and Morehu wasted no time. He leapt on top of me and pinned my arms down, punching me in the face over and over and over. Annoyed, I charged up but was cut short with one final punch that knocked me unconscious.

. . .

I likely wasn't out for more than a few seconds but Morehu had grabbed my tail and was dragging me across the sand, leading me toward the nearby Hollow Earth gateway.

No one was allowed to throw me around like that. Ever.

Rage boiled in my throat. Morehu looked over his shoulder just in time to see me fire at his face. He dived away, hiding behind the last pyramid. My atomic breath sliced through it and almost cut through Morehu himself but he managed to duck under it. As he was blinded by the remaining dust cloud, I tackled him again, stomping down hard on his chest over and over and over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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