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Amazon Rainforest, 2026

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE?!" I bellowed in Behemoth's face, heat rising in my throat.

"Your majesty, Gojira, please listen-" Behemoth backed away several steps.

"I AM GONE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MONTHS AND WHEN I RETURN, THE QUEEN IS MISSING?!" I stepped after him. I was furious. Looking back, probably not furious enough.

"Your majesty-" Behemoth wouldn't look at me. "The queen is here I assure you, you just don't know where to look."

"WHERE IS SHE?! DO YOU KNOW OR NOT?!" I grabbed one of his tusks and jerked his head up towards me. It probably hurt him more than he deserved but at the moment I couldn't care less.

"F-follow me, y-your majesty. . . P-please." He stepped away slowly and led me down the continent to trees that were larger than any titan I'd ever seen. Amongst the trees, extremely high up, where only a flying kaiju could reach, was Mosura's larva, spinning dozens of silk beds in the branches.

I instantly relaxed and looked at Behemoth gratefully. He nodded and retreated back to his forest.

"Mosura?" I called up. The larva squeaked and scuttered around, hiding in the leaves. I smirked. "Mosura? You cannot hide up there forever." The larva was silent but the leaves where it hid trembled. I could not reach the branches even if I was standing on Behemoth. "If you do not come down, I will make Rodan come get you." The larva shrieked and peeked out of the leaves, her large blueish eyes staring down at me happily.

"Godzilla!" She thought excitedly before scaling down the tree and jumping onto my head.

"Hello, little one. Where have you been? I could not find you." I asked, offering for her to relax on my talons instead. She didn't respond. I sighed and looked at the silk covering the trees again. "What were you doing up there? Why all the silk?"

"Cocoon. Hide. Make cocoon." She thought, crawling around my arms.

My heart dropped. No wonder she'd wandered off. She desperately needed something I had no idea how to give her.

"I am sorry Mosura. I do not know how to help you with that." The larva whimpered and stared at me, her eyes somehow getting bigger and sadder by the second. "But. . ." I sighed and shook my head. "I know who can help."

~ ~ ~

"Where here?" The larva chirped from between my dorsal spines.

"An island."

"Cold here." I felt the larva snuggle into my scales.

I smirked. "Yes, I know. But just wait." With a thunderous stomp, a stone wall in front of me slid open. I lowered my head into the opening and muttered a commanding growl. Slowly, six legs and a pair of red wings crawled out.

"Gojira. . ." The spiked insect kaiju hissed. "Thought I would never see you here again."

"I come asking a favor."

"And what could the great king of the monsters want from me?"

I guided Mosura off my spines and onto the ground in front of the other titan. "She needs to cocoon. You are the only kaiju similar enough to help her."

The other titan fluttered his red wings and looked the larva up and down. "What do I get in return for this favor?"

"Your life." I snarled.

His eyes narrowed, but he said nothing and nodded slightly. As he retreated back into his cave, Mosura did not budge. She kept staring at me with those huge, sad eyes.

I lowered my head even more to her level. "Mosura. . ." I purred. "Kurai Ga will help you. You have to trust him." I said that last word with a death glare at Kurai Ga. He just shrugged his wings. Mosura pressed her front legs against my snout and chirped sadly. I surprisingly relaxed and closed my eyes, probably purring again but I won't admit that.

She turned away and scuttered after Kurai Ga. Before the wall closed again, I grabbed his wing harshly and pulled him to face me.

"Report to me the second she cocoons somewhere safely. If anything happens to her, I will make sure you never reincarnate again." I hissed, breathing a bit of smoke in his face as my spines flashed in intimidation.

Kurai Ga nodded slowly but did not seem to care. "You have my word." With that, the stone wall slammed shut.

~ ~ ~

I was deep in the Mariana Trench when suddenly and alarm-like ringing went off in my head.

"WHAT?!" I bellowed, sending bubbles everywhere.

"Gojira, it is Kurai Ga. Mosura is currently cocooned in a safe and secure location near the north pole. You should be able to sense her location within moments."

"Your help does not go unnoticed or unappreciated Kurai Ga." I quickly swam closer to the surface as it was easier to sense kaiju from there.

"I do not care. How about you never let anything bother me again?"

"Consider it done."

That was possibly the last I ever heard from him. He was still alive but would only come to the surface when Mosura truly needed him. They were the closest thing to siblings after all.

I swam north to colder and colder waters until I surfaced in (Cambridge Bay).

"Mosura?!" I called. I wondered if she could sense or hear anything while cocooned. A few more steps and I finally saw a silky mass over the edge of a cliff. The mass was twice the size of the larva, which glowed orange and blue from within the possibility hundreds of silk layers. I had to admit, this was the first time I'd ever seen her cocoon. I hadn't expected it to be so. . . so. . . beautiful? Yes, that was probably the right word.

I inched closer to the silk, gently brushing the surface with a claw. It was warm and incredibly soft. I wouldn't mind also being wrapped up in the stuff. It looked comfortable. The larva reacted slightly to the touch of my claw and I, fearing I harmed it, stepped back and laid down in front of it, half in the water.

I am waiting for you. Do not worry. I will be here when you wake up. I promise.


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