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Off The Coast Of Brazil, 2024

I grumbled to myself. This week had been tiring. Well, every week was tiring. I was the protector of the entire planet after all. Just this week had been particularly awful.

Rodan had threatened to leave his volcano and terrorize the innocents of Isla de Mara if I didn't stop the inhabitants from digging into the volcano's many mineshafts. I firmly reminded him that I couldn't communicate with the humans, and if he ever tried anything, I'd rip his claws off and stab him with them. He thankfully went back to sleep after that.

Tiamat was also causing issues, like always. She'd traveled up to the north pole from the south pole in an effort to challenge both me and Scylla, the current caretaker of the north. I shut it down quickly, grabbing Tiamat and glowing in her face as an intimidating warning. She didn't back down and demanded to take over the north pole for herself. I made Tiamat take the north and moved Scylla to the south. Scylla was easy to work with, so I didn't get any protest from her.

Fights and disturbances between juvenile kaiju began breaking out all across (Canada) and (Russia). Sorting it all out only took a few roars and sour look to get them all to knock it off. Unfortunately, one tried to be brave and ended up jumping at my neck. I grabbed it with one talon before it reached me and promptly bit its head off. I'd dropped the head and the body and commanded the rest to leave peacefully. They all obeyed. They always did.

Now, as evening neared, I just wanted to sleep in my newly claimed lair. I drifted down until the water turned black and freezing cold. I had just reached the wide cave when I sensed a new kaiju on the surface. I instantly growled and whipped around in anger, thinking it was Kong, but the presence was new and faint. Almost like a baby kaiju. . . or perphas a dying kaiju? I didn't recognize it and was compelled to investigate.

I breached the surface, staring at the vast jungle. The signal was coming from the heart of the jungle. I truly didn't want to wreck such a beautiful ecosystem, but I had to figure this out. It was my job.

Approaching the shore, I knocked over an (oil rig) and a (lumber mill). Ugly human creations. I guess I did Behemoth a favor. Speaking of Behemoth, he had sensed my arrival into his territory and made his way over, wondering if something was wrong.

"Good day, your majesty!" Behemoth trumpeted, bowing respectfully. "What brings you to my forest?"

"I sense a new presence in these trees. A signal. Calling to me."

"Interesting. Are you perhaps sensing my egg?"

"Behemoth, you do not produce eggs."

"No. I meant, I found an egg 5 years ago in the heart of the jungle. I will show you. Come."

I followed Behemoth through the thick trees, being mindful to not cause too much damage to my surroundings. Behemoth would never get angry at me for it, but I knew he cared more for these plants than I ever did, so I would respect him and his land just as he respected me.

"Here." Behemoth stopped and crouched beside a large waterfall, parting the water with his tusk. The cavern behind it showed a dark brown and silver egg covered in slime. My eyes widened and I crouched to reach for it.

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