Games Turn Into Fights

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Just read it and have fun!!

*they are all sitting around in silence thinking when pony blurts out Hey why don't we play a game everyone agrees and pony leaves the room to go get a game pony comes back with the game and they all sit in a circle starting off with sodapop and the question is how many people he has been with sodapop thinks acting like he counting on his fingers the whole gang starts laughing then soda answers yeah only 1 Steve looks at him like really bro, Soda confirms yep Only ,sandy *then Steve goes and it says who does he know the best out of everyone and he says sodapop and ponyboy starts getting mad then says I'm pretty sure I do then they start going back and forward on questions about sodapop both getting them right* *Steve and pony boy both stand up from there seats still arguing getting inches away from each others face as Steve pushes pony back pony pushes Steve back in return as Steve was about to grab pony boy dally stood up pulling Steve away from pony while soda was trying to get pony to calm down* *it took soda and dally a good 5 minutes to get them to calm down and they sat in different spots now ponyboy was sitting next to Johnny and Steve next to soda and due to the new position everyone was in dally was the next person going for the game* Dally pulls a card then Two bit snatches it out his hand reading it out loud  What's Your Favorite Song Two bit chuckles this should be easy Dally Oh I know Steve blurs out  IT IS ThR- it's material Girl Dally says in almost a whisper What was that Steve saying cupping his ear material girl Dally says a bit louder.. material girl??..Dally REAlly Ponyboy says  Yeah you got a problem with it Ponyboy he says looking at him with a mean cold expression on his face...No sir I mean No dally nothing bad about that pony boy says Everyone looks at Pony..PonyBoy Two bit says SIR???. Shut up two bit  pony says let's continue with the game jhonny persist The next card was Johnny's it said name one funny fact about the person next to you He chose Dally..Oh jhonny you better shut your trap dally said hopeful...Jhonny continued Dally favorite color is * he gets cut off* Jhonny don't say anything dally whispers..Jhonny  Finally says  Dally favorite color is PINK.The whole gang bust out laughing two bit try's to speak managing to say Dally..REally...Pink...YOUR..Lyin. Then two bit gets a book thrown at him  then a dice then cards the whole  Board game ended up on him Then dally with his drama queen self storms out  welp he's gone Steve says jokingly...
.......A FEW HOURS LATER.......

everyone is passed out Johnny is stretched out on the couch while two bit is on the floor cuddling with a Mickey Mouse plush he spawned out of thin air Steve is in the most uncomfortable position imaginable on the sofa seat.....

That's all for today I'll try to add some more later

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