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                           Idk what to put here 😐

Ponyboys pov-
I messed up saying there was a spider In the house I had asked Darry to kill it when the whole gang decided to hello into our house for a meeting or something right at the same time that I was telling Derry where the spider was...Apparently I can't say that word around Soda two-Bit and Steve(also dally)

Dallys POV
I should've sensed that spider at the Curtis brother's house I mean the one time I'm not late a spider appears at the house if this isn't a sign to not arrive on time anymore then I don't know what is but I guess I can't change what happened now I mean at least I wasn't the only one on top of a table screaming like a little girl but Ponyboy had to laugh like there wasn't an actual reason for that so right now he is hiding from me oh how much I hate Johnny told him the good hiding spots

Johnny POV-
It was so funny what happened when we walked in the Curtis house all I head was spider than I saw dally and soda jump on the coffee table while two bit and Steve ran outside me and pony busted out laughing then dally decided to kill pony pony ran then his in one of the hiding spots I told him about Soda was still yelling then Darry spoke Soda if you don't shut up I'm gonna turn you into a spider now get of my coffee table  Soda shut up and got off the table then Darry yelled at two bit and Steve to stop being baby's and get In the house.

Spiders POV
I love causing chaos I mean I just had very too fine and hawt men go onto a coffee table and scream like little girls it was hilarious and let's not forget about making those other two guys freakin run out of the house it was hilarious like I almost got killed because I was too busy laughing

Darry POV-
Ugh these kids I swear I was just trying to make me some food when pony asked me to kill a spider so I set everything down and go to kill it before they get here but yet I was to late right as as was about to kill it the 8 year old walk in pony was telling me where it was so Soda and Dally did the Reasonable Thing and jumped up on the coffee table while Steve and Two-Bit rushing out the door like a serial killer was going to get them though all the yelling and laughing from pony and Johnny I managed to kill it I turn around and pony and Dally where no where to be seen but then I see Dally running though the hallway looking through all the rooms I turn my focus back to Soda who was still yelling Soda if you don't Shut up I'm gonna turn you into a spider also get off my coffee table then I walked to the door and yelled out to Dumb and Dumber Get in the house and stop being baby's all this commotion over a spider...

Sodapops POV
I hate spiders literally hate them so when I saw and heard there was a spider I was very reasonable and jumped on the counter and screamed even dally agrees with me but Darry didn't seem to he yelled at me if I don't shut up he was gonna turn ME into a spider I mean me out of all people that's just insane like what did I ever do to him other than lose my clothes but of course I'm the one who did wrong like how does pony even think I'm Darry's favorite

Steve pov-
I obviously did the reasonable thing, right?
So I walk into the Curtis brothers house, and then I hear the dreadful word  coming from ponyboys mouth spider I hate spiders so obviously I did the reasonable thing and ran outside with two bit behind me. We stood outside on the front porch waiting for Darry to say that it was safe to come inside, because obviously biohazardous and then, when he came out and he yelled at us for no reason he said that we were babies or whatever that's like really rude darry but you give me chocolate cake so it's fine.

Two bits POV
All I wanted was just to watch Mickey Mouse and eat chocolate cake but noooo there just had to be a spider which do mind I HATE THEM like with all my gut hate I would literally rather do anything else well maybe not lose Mickey Mouse shows or him and chocolate cake but literally anything other than that I mean reasonable stuff so me and Steve did a very reasonable thing which was run out of the house as soon as we heard 'spider' I was right behind him and when it was our signal to go back inside Darry so RUDLY yelled at us we were being babies which was a lie anyway it's ok since I got to watch Mickey Mouse and have chocolate cake

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