Chapter 8

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So many things happened in a matter of days. The letter was just the start of it. First was Miyafuji and a Neuroi, and then Sakamoto getting shot down.

If it wasn't for my orders I would have given Sakamoto my magic. But why would I even do that? I had no reason to. They weren't my family, Altair was.

Somewhere in my heart I knew Sakamoto from before. But how?

Now Miyafuji was locked up for not following orders to shoot the Neuroi. The world was crying, it was raining. My heart was weighed down.


It hasn't even be a full day a Miyafuji was causing trouble again. We were given orders to shoot Miyafuji down. Which also included me. Lynee stayed in confinement in place of Miyafuji.

We were flying in the rain. It was a pain. So loud. By the time we had found Miyafuji she was with the Neuroi. It had led her to a Neuroi hive. The Neuroi led her all the way inside.

Minna ordered to wait and see what happens.

My ears could pick up something weird. I sounded like a raido was playing. All of a sudden my ears picked up the sound of something coming towards the hive at high speed.

I tried to warn them, but the other Neuroi that was with Miyafuji came out. Minna had ordered to break. Which caused me to be delayed.

All of a sudden the Neuroi coming from behind speed past us. It was a white Neuroi? The black Neuroi fired lasers all over the place. But it had no effect on the white Neuroi. We had to either dodge or block with shields.

The white Neuroi then shot a powerful beam. Miyafuji had fallen out of the hive, but Luchini caught her.

"Ummm...where's the Neuroi?" Miyafuji instantly asked.

"Sergeant Miyafuj!" Minna looked at her seriously. "You will be detained for the crime of absence without leave."

"What?" She looked shocked.

"Returning to base!" Minna ordered. She then flew back with us behind her and Miyafuji in the middle.

'What did Miyafuji expect from this? But a white Neuroi and a black Neuroi? Is it like different factions or something.' I went into deep though. 'Do you know something Altair?'

' I don't...'

'Wait that's not a Neuroi! I remember, for once,... it's his toy.' I clenched my teeth.


When we got back to base the white 'Neuroi' was there and a very familiar person stood there.

'Ah...' I glared at him.

"That's the one!" Miyafuji mumbled.

His men pointed guns at us or more like Miyafuji. He grinned like a devil at her.

"Good work, Commander Minna." He smiled at Minna. I shivered.

"This looks like a coup d'état, General Maloney!" Minna said.

"It's an official transfer based on orders, Conander Minna." Maloney held up a paper. "As of now, this base is taken over by the 1st Special Assault Team, a.k.a Warlock."


Everyone else in the base came out including Sakamoto.

"Are all of the Witches present?" Maloney asked. He stepped forward in front of Miyafuji. "Are you Sergeant Yoshika Miyafuji?"

"Yes, sir..."

"You disobey military regulations and deserted." Maloney looked down on Miyafuji. "Isn't that right?"

"Eh?" She had a look of realization. "Military regulations..."

Maloney smirked.

Miyafuji had another look of realization. She pointed to the white 'Neuroi'. "That, behind you..."

"Are you talking about the Warlock?" He laughed.

"I saw that! It was in the same room as the Neuroi, a sort or laboratory." Miyafuji said.

'Is she saying the Neuroi showed her the making of the Warlock?' I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?!" Maloney looked like at her like she was speaking blasphemy.

"But, I saw it!"

Everyone stared at Miyafuji.

"Answer my question! You deserted. Isn't that right?" Maloney pointed at Miyafuji.

"Yes, sir. But..."

"Commander, I though I ordered you to shoot down the deserter!" He turned to Minna.

Third POV

"Yes, sir, but-" Minna was cut off.

"A squadron member plots to desert. In order to follow her, a superior officer ignores orders from headquarters. How very unfortunate. Commander Minna, and the rest of the Witches..." Maloney looked at the Warlock before looking back at the 501st. "As of this very moment, the 501st joint fighter wing, strike witches, is disbanded."

Everyone gasped. He then turned to Alpha.

"Ah yes, 2nd Lieutenant Alpha-San." Maloney looked down on Alpha with a glare. "You too Huh?" He whispered. "I did not raise you like this. Your punishment will be see later."

Pure fear filled Alpha's eyes. "H-hai, sir." Maloney smirked in victory.

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