Part 2: Chapter 4

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"Hiroka, you have a letter from central command." Gundula had called me to her office.

I took the letter from her desk. It read. 'To Hiroka Kiyoshi.'

'Why would they contact me?' I raised an eyebrow. 'Unless...'


I got to my room to read the letter.

'Dear Hiroka Kiyoshi, younger sister of Hotaru Kiyoshi,

To honor the death of Hotaru Kiyoshi we wish for a picture to remember her. As you are her only living family member we had to ask you for a picture of her. Pls send us the picture in a week.

From central command.'

My hand shook as I read the message. I had tried to forget the anniversary of her death. But now that I remembered, anger welled in me.

I bashed my hand on the desk. 'Damn them! After 6 years they finally honor her death!!!' I was angry, super angry. I had a week to decide, do I send them the photo or not?

This turned out to be a huge bruden on me. Gundula even took me out of the search for the Neuroi that had settled in the town. I guess she's could see my distress. In the end they killed it without me and I was left to worry.


They were cutting of the Saturnus festival because we had no supplies, but I had better things to worry about. I can't disobey the central command. But I only have one picture.

Hikari ended up with a fever and everyone was trying to setup the festival for her. In the end I gave them my only picture of Onee...I don't cry...I totally didn't....

Gundula POV

Hiroka gave her picture of Hotaru to the central command. I knew she would feel down after that so I went to go find her.

I found her in her room. She was sitting at her desk asleep. Her eyes had tears in them and were puffy.

I patted her head softly. I picked her up and laid her on her bed.

I hesitantly flipped her bangs up and kissed her forehead. 'This is the least I can do...'.


A couple days had passed and the Saturnus festival arrived, but it was also the day Hiroka's sister, Hotaru, died.

While Hiroka was grieving, Gundula gave her the day off to herself. After all wounds needs time to heal.

Waltrud had picked some laughing mushrooms and didn't know. But once they eat it oh they knew alright. The only people who were unaffected were Nikka, Hikari, and Hiroka.

A Neuroi had shown up at such bad time. Nikka had ended up going to battle alone. Since Hiroka was off and Hikari was sick, but with the help of some info from Hikari she...did it? Oh wait some witches from the 501st, that Nikka knew, showed up to transport supplies. They were Pilot Officer Eila Ilmater Juutilainen and First Lieutenant Sanya Vladimirovna Litvyak.

They even stayed to celebrate. They even came in some weird outfit. Gundula forced Hiroka to come down and celebrate.

There were candles everywhere in the hangers.

"The Sumous military has completed its resupply mission to the 502nd." Sanya handed Gundula the file.

"Accepted." Gundula grabbed the file.

"I heard things are bad for them, too." Edytha asked. Hiroka stood in back away from the spotlight.

"Eila and the other Suomus Witches got together to help Nipa." Sanya said.

"It's a big help, Flying Officer Litvyak and Pilot Officer Juutilainen." Aleksandra thanked them. "Come on, you thank them too." Aleksandra nudged Hiroka in the stomache.

"...thanks..."Hiroka pulled her collar down as she mumbled a small thanks. Aleksandra sighed.

"Nah, it was nothing..." Eila smiled. But she stared at Hiroka from the corner of her eyes though. 'Why does she look like the girl in Alpha's picture?'


Hiroka POV

I stood in the corner of the room as everyone celebrated. They looked happy. While I was grieving. I clenched my hand over my heart.

"Onee..." I muttered under my breath.

I looked back up at them. They were laughing. On a day like this I couldn't be happy.

I stared at Gundula until she looked back at me. It was just a few moments so I didn't wait long. I pulled up my collar over my mouth and looked to the side.

This meant. 'I don't wanna be here anymore...'. I saw Gundula sigh before she waved me off. I simply walked out of there.

I heard Hikari call for me, but I didn't turn.

Hikari POV

I saw Kiyoshi walk out of the room.

"Kiyoshi-San? Whe-" I was interrupted when Commander Gundula put a hand on my shoulder.

"Leave her."

I looked at her confused. She gave me the look that said 'pls just leave her be.'

I looked back at Kiyoshi as she walked away. The last thing I saw was her back until she turned into the darkness of the night.


Hiroka POV

I went outside to get some fresh air. If only I had tea...Onee loved to look at the night sky while drinking tea. Two of her favorite things put together, tea and the night sky.

But tonight I had neither of those. For the night sky was covered in clouds. Just like my heart.

I felt a wetness on my cheeks...I was crying....of course I was....

I quickly wiped my tears away not wanting anyone to see them.


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