Chapter 17

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Minna gathered everyone in the command room to talk.

"So, we need you to head out and procure some local supplies." Minna said. "Shirley is trained to operate large trucks. Lucchini, you're the resident Romagna expert, so I'd like you two to undertake this mission."

"Roger!" The two echoed energetically.

"All right! I haven't driven in ages!" Shirley exclaimed.

"Sorry, we'd send more people, but we don't know when the enemy's going to attack." Sakamoto apologized.

"Yay! Driving, driving!" Lucchini jumped up and down.

"It's nice to go off base from time to time." Shirley smiled. "I'm delighted to take this mission!"

"Lastly, I'd like Miyafuji and Lynee to join you." Minna added.

"Excuse me. I'd rather wait here, on standby." Lynee timidly raised her hand.

"Huh? Why?" Miyafuji asked. Lynee blinked.

"Understood. So just you, Miyafuji." Minna said.

"Yes, ma'm." Miyafuji exclaimed.

"Guide them around town, Lucchini." Sakamoto ordered.

"You can count on me!" She grinned.

"Miyafuji, you are to follow Shirley's orders out there." Sakamoto instructed her.

"Yes, ma'm!"

"Now, please get your orders in." Minna spoke to the rest.

"Orders, Huh? Some news training tools would be nice...." Sakamoto mumbled.

"Yes, but not like that. Things to use while we recharge." Minna chuckled.

"Recharge?" Barkhorn echoed. "The best way to recharge is to train hard and rest hard."

"Well, actual baths for people, to keep morale high after training, would be nice." Sakamoto thought hard.

"Is training all you guys think about?" Minna sighed. "Please think of more practical items."

"Excuse me...I would like some black tea." Lynne shyly asked.

'Now that I think about it...I never used my money when I got paid. 5 years and a half month paycheck. I must have saved a lot.' Hotaru eyes shinned at the amount of money she had.

'Mmm, do you want anything, Altair?' Hotaru called out to the wolf in her head.

'Dog biscuits.' Altair instantly replied.

' aren't a dog thou?' Hotaru flinched a bit at the word dog.

'Dog biscuits.' Altair repeated.

Hotaru sighed, 'fine, what should I get? Maybe some ear plugs? I can hear the alarm through my other pair of ears.'

'Good idea.' Altair yawned.

"Kiyoshi-San do you want anything?" Miyafuji snapped Hotaru out of her thoughts.

Hotaru's face was slightly red. "Dog biscuits."

There was an awkward silence. "Dog...biscuits?"

'Ugh, this is so embarrassing.' Hotaru's face became warmer. Altair grinned in the back of her head as she watched Hotaru suffer.

"Yes and some ear plugs." Hotaru nodded. Her face was pretty red by now.

"I understand the ear plug, biscuits?" Minna raised an eyebrow.

'Fu*k you, Altair.' Hotaru curse at her familiar.

'Silence your mind, child. Such vulgar words I don't want to hear it.' Altair growled at her.

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