Alot to take in.

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I woke up in a different room and took a moment to observe the room i was in but after a few seconds i realize on what happened earlier. I remembered a woman named Brunnhilde knocked me out she said she would explain i quickly got up and saw that she was sitting on a chair seemingly waiting for me to wake up...

"I see that you have woke up though i deeply apologize for knocking you out without explanation"
Her voice was filled with genuine remorse

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT YOU KIDNAPPED ME WHERE AM I! YOU SERIOUSLY THINK IM JUST GONNA ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY IMMEDIATELY! WHEN YOU LITERALLY KNOCKED ME OUT COLD!" I yelled angerly at her as i then shot her a glare not liking that this lady kidnapped me and expecting me to just accept her apology like it was nothing to be concerned of?

"Calm down now l'll explain to you on why i took you here but please do tell me your name."

I then scoffed my glare unwavering

"You really think im gonna answer that." I spat back at her once again i felt enraged of this lady.

She then let out a sight as she spoke once again

"If you don't want to calm down then i won't tell you on why i took you here." She glared back at me she looked very annoyed

"Okay okay fine l'll calm down...and the names y/n l/n now would you please tell me on why you took me here without my consent." I was scared unsure of what she will do next

"Okay Y/n L/n the reason i brought you here is because you have a special ability as you might know i questioned you on how you predicted the mans death. I believed that you can predict when someone is going to die"
She explained

"I do not mean any harm since i want you to help me on saving humanity" brunnhilde finished explaining

"What do you mean saving humanity!! Are we going to be extinct!!" You panicked as she explained to me, many thoughts have come through your mind
Are the humans going to be extinct???,what did she mean by that???,Are the gods going to flood earth again?!?!

"There will be a tournament that will be held in 1 week the tournament is called Ragnarok it is where gods vs humans fight to the death and if the gods win humanity will be erased, but if the humans win humanity will be spared for a 1000 years." She then turned to look at me

"Y/n we need you to help me win for humanity, your ability will guide us so please accept on helping me guide humanity to victory." Brunnhilde was telling you to help her guide humanity to victory

Y/n was overwhelmed with emotions she didn't want to die. Nor did she want humanity to be erased so she agreed to brunnhilde's proposal

"I accept your proposal but what can i do to help since that i only experience that vision once..."
Y/n looked at brunnhilde with anxiety in her eyes since this was a lot to take in it kept your mind filled with thoughts

"I will help you train and know how to control your power"
She answered as she then told me that this will be my room and she will give a change of clothes as well as something to eat after she told me all that she then left.

Y/n was left there all alone in her thoughts wondering on how this could happen at on one day

"How did i end up here..?" I wondered aloud taking a moment to survey the room

The room had a bed on the corner as well as a vanity and a bathroom Deciding to rest i laid down at the bed

"So this is my new life now.."

You can't help but feel exhausted..due to the events that had happened

"I wonder if my mother would even notice me...gone"
After a few minutes you grew abit drowsy and drifted to sleep

gone"After a few minutes you grew abit drowsy and drifted to sleep

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He is so handsome😍😍

Yandere.'•°~|★Record of Ragnarok X Y/n★|~°•'Where stories live. Discover now