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The morning sun rays peeked through the curtains causing you to wake up early than your usual routine

"Ugh... It's morning already"
You grumbled while you got up to stretch your body before walking straight to the bathroom to freshen up for today

"Hmmm i forgot how many days it has been🤔" you mumbled to yourself while getting lost in thought

(when was the ragnarok tournament again..?? Ehhh maybe i should focus on getting stronger first...)

"Ahhh what am i thinking l'll just ask Brunhilde"
You then proceeded too wash your face to wake yourself up after that you dried your face off with a towel

"Looking gorgeous as always😏"
You complimented yourself looking in the mirror

"Anyways!! I should visit qin shi huang!! I miss his handsome face😍" You can't help but want to visit the emperor maybe because he's a little too hot or attractive i mean who wouldn't

Y/n hurriedly changed her outfit to something more appropriate to wear as she was changing she noticed something wrong...

Her door was unlocked she was pretty sure she locked it last night??

"Why is my door unlock?? Did i forget? Well that's quite dangerous i should remind myself to lock it next time..."
"Oh shit... Did she notice her door wasn't lock? Hmph i should be careful next time... I better hurry! I see her getting out of her room!!"

You walked out the door confidently with a smile so far you were feeling energetic today! Probably because you will be seeing a handsome face in the morning you couldn't help but snicker to yourself

"Which room was he again? It would be embarrassing too just enter someone's room one by one..." You continued your walk through the hallway hoping to see a familiar face but to your luck you didn't see anyone

"Maybe he is in the kitchen?" You picked up your pace and started to walk more faster

(Please be there!) You kept chanting in your head
After minutes of walking to the kitchen you still didn't see him but you did find brunhilde!

You made your way to brunhilde to ask her about qin shi huang

"Heyya brunhilde! Do you maybe know where qin shi huang's room is? Just wanted to talk to him"

Meanwhile brunhilde was staring at you...

(She smells awfully weird... Why does she smell intoxicating... What am i saying it's probably nothing)

"Oh qin shi huang? He's not in his room at this moment he's probably wandering around and creating destruction... I meant destroying the walls" brunhilde kept her gaze at you she seemed a little skeptical

"That's quite funny to imagine!" You can't help but giggle? The emperor creating holes on the wall? I mean you did see it but still it was funny

"Welp thanks for the help I'll look for him myself then!" You started to walk away after you got her answer

"Wait! Can you stay for awhile?"
Brunhilde didn't know why she stopped you... Her mouth just moved on its own? Like she didnt want you too leave... She would rather want you to spend time with her

"Oh sure? I guess, l'll look for him later" getting a little confused but you shrug it off since it was probably about ragnarok or she just wanted to tell you about some gods to away

"Sooo what did you want to talk about brunhilde? Is it about the other gods if soo i am interested!!"
You eagerly sat beside her with a smile
You didn't know how much your scent was driving her into a state of intoxication...

"Ehem... That's exactly what i was going to tell you about definitely."
She lied through her teeth... Clearly (honestly surprised how she didn't see it was a lie... How naive)

You remembered about your encounter about a certain god you remembered he had a shitty attitude so you questioned her about it

"I was wondering if you could tell me about a god who has blond hair and has a shitty attitude also carries a trident btw" you swear you could see brunhilde's eyes go wide

Author: imagine it like this bro😦

She suddenly screamed out of shock

You got a little startled getting a little clueless why she started acting like that?

"I mean yes i did ran into him... Is his attitude that bad that you had to scream to me?" Y/n right now🤨


(Looks like she really cares about you y/n😏)

"That explains why he was an asshole😲" you honestly couldn't care less you kept hatred from this god called poseidon like the first time you met him he cussed the fuck out of you even calling you wothless!

"Please y/n be atleast careful next time!" Her eyes gazed at your features you could tell she meant it you nodded your head and promised her you will be careful next time

"I will be just for you~😏"
You teased while you nudged her lightly

"Don't joke about it y/n! I mean it!!"
Deep inside she was feeling giddy

"Okay okay! I will i promise you brunhilde...!"
A certain figure was watching the both of you converse with each other let's say it was eavesdropping on the convo


Author: it's been awhile readers!!! Quite happy how much my book has grown! Thank you all for reading or liking this book this means alot for me and it fills me with so much joy on how much you guys supported this book!!

Author: it's been awhile readers!!! Quite happy how much my book has grown! Thank you all for reading or liking this book this means alot for me and it fills me with so much joy on how much you guys supported this book!!

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