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You then decided to go to brunnhilde's room since you wanted to know what she would react to you meeting a god since she did warn you on meeting gods and that they were dangerous but to y/n she didn't see gods dangerous since buddha was nice and a friend to her eyes but she did somehow found brunnhilde's room she then knocked waiting for her to answer the door

You can hear footsteps and it stop at the front of the door brunnhilde then opened she was quite surprised finding you there because she didn't tell you on where her room was

"Oh good your back come in, care to answer on why you went to my room?" Brunnhilde then asked as she took a seat and she then motioned you to seat next to her so you did

"Well i want you to know that i met a god his name is buddha he seems nice and didn't hold a grudge against humanity? Could he be helping us?" Y/n then asked her tone of voice was filled with curiosity since brunnhilde told y/n that the gods were trying to erased humanity but this god didn't even threaten to kill her nor hurt her?

Brunnhilde's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Buddha, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. "Buddha, you say?" she murmured, her gaze thoughtful. "That is... unexpected. But not unwelcome."

She leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping lightly on the armrest. "Buddha is different from the other gods," she admitted. "He has always been more... sympathetic towards humanity. If he has chosen to help us, then we may stand a chance after all."

"But," she added, her gaze turning stern, "that doesn't mean you should let your guard down. Not all gods are as benevolent as Buddha. Some would not hesitate to harm you, given the chance. But you should really be careful good thing it wasn't another god and to answer your question yes buddha will help us by teaching us Valkyries about völundr it is to help to kill Gods"

"Völundr? May i ask what does it do?"

Brunhilde's expression turned into a serious one as she then explained to me

"Völunder is a Divine weapon forgery in order for Völundr to work both the Human and Valkyrie Must resonate with the same emotion which also known as "being on the same wavelength."

"If they manage to match there wavelengths the Valkyrie will become the divine weapon most suitable for the Human it also allows it's user to fight at the peak of their potential and even beyond"

She then finished explaining to me
Y/N blinked, trying to process the information. "So, it's like... we become one? The human and the Valkyrie?" she asked, her brows furrowed in thought.

Brunnhilde nodded, "Exactly. It's a bond, a connection that goes beyond the physical. It's about understanding, trust, and unity. You have to be in sync with each other, not just in battle, but emotionally as well."

"Well that sure does sound like it takes alot of energy" y/n commented

Brunnhilde nods as she looked outside the window the night soon carried on

"Y/n you will start your training tomorrow be prepared and l'll introduce you to the Humans that participated in fighting in ragnarok" brunnhilde then told me that i should go back to my room, later on she will knock on my door hinting that dinner is ready

I then left her room and went straight to my bedroom processing the information that i had learned and even looking forward to the training

Y/n then looked in a mirror her hair was a mess and decided to brushed it but just her luck the brush broke

"Seriously. You know what l'll just asked brunnhilde for a new one and maybe some clothes" she then proceed to throw the broken brush in the bin



Love meter: 24% (Brunhilde finds you as a companion that will help her)

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Love meter: 24% (Brunhilde finds you as a companion that will help her)

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