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A knocked on the door can be heard
Y/n woke up to her nap and answered the door opening it there revealed brunnhilde she had a pair of clothes in her hand she then handed it to me

"I hope these fit you since i couldn't find anything that could fit your style but do get changed since i figured you might be hungry l'll wait for you outside your room."
Brunnhilde then left your room as she waited for you to changed into your new clothes

The clothes were a white blouse with long sleeves and a black knee length skirt

The clothes were a white blouse with long sleeves and a black knee length skirt

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This is what your outfit looks like

Y/n then went to the bathroom to change into her clothes it did looked beautiful on her she then brushed her hair since it had some knots in them after that she then putted on her shoes

After she was done fixing herself she opened the door and left her room

"Im done changing brunnhilde!"
I told her

"That outfit suits you now let's go get you some food since you looked quite hungry come on now follow me"
She instructed

You quickly followed her since you didn't have any breakfast you were very hungry and can't wait to eat

You both arrived at the dining room brunnhilde then told you to take a seat as she then gave me my meal it was Pork katsu curry with rice on the side with soup as a side dish and it looked mouth watering your stomach grumbled a little bit so you quickly dig in as you then took your first bite the food was very flavorful and delicious

Brunnhilde just stared at you as you eat but you couldn't care less
But what you hadn't notice was that another person had entered the dining room taking a seat beside brunnhilde

"Who is she? I had never seen her? Is she going to fight to?" The person was intrigued and asked it then looked at brunnhilde

"No but she will assist us why don't you introduce yourself to her kojiro sasaki?"
Brunnhilde replied

"Maybe later since the young lady is enjoying her meal but what do you mean she's going to assist us?"
Kojiro sasaki then glanced at you wondering on why brunnhilde suddenly took another person here he thought that you were strong since the Valkyrie had took you here

"She has a special ability that can predict whether a person is going to die that's why i took her here but maybe you can help in her in her training since she doesn't really know how to trigger it."
Brunnhilde recommended kojiro sasaki as your trainer in your training

"Of course how could i turn down an offer when im going to train a beautiful lady"
Kojiro chuckled as he didn't mind

After a few minutes you finished your meal brunnhilde then gaved  you cold water to wash down the meal you were really full but your eyes landed on the stranger eyeing him down

"Who is he brunnhilde?"
I questioned as we made eye contact most likely y/n was examining the man

"He's Kojiro Sasaki and he is going to help you in your training now"
Brunnhilde then introduced you to kojiro sasaki

"hello kojiro my name is Y/n L/n just call me Y/n"
I then gave him a small smile and a wave trying to be friendly towards the person

He nodded as he returned the action waving back he then excused himself saying his goodbyes and that he was looking forward to the training

He seems like a nice guy you thought as you then asked brunnhilde if you can explore around she agreed but she then warned you not to wonder to far since you might bump into a god

You then looked around the place you saw that the place had a garden so you quickly went to it and it was truly beautiful the flowers were blooming as well as some butterflies were flying around it made your mind at peace

You were enjoying the silence but a voice had interupt you

"Eh? Who are you never seen ya here cutie?~"
The figure was sitting in a big tree as well as eating some sweets it then took form of a tall and muscular man as he was wearing a tank top with gold framed glasses resting on his nose with robes tied around his waist wrapping back to his hands his hair was light green with black on the sides and it was styled in a bun it compliments his face the man was eating a lollipop as he stared at you

"Hmmmm? my names Y/n L/n and who are you?" You can't help but keep your gaze at him he was very attractive to be honest and his outfit suits him too

"Ah short introductions that's what i like, Y/n that name suits you cutie~ oh and the names Buddha"
You stared at him as your mind turned into panicked he was a god a GOD?!? you then composed yourself and kept calm

"you can just call me by my name..." You then thought to yourself (this individual sure do knows how to flirt)

"I'd rather call you cutie"
As the god continued to munch on some more sweets (how can he eat so much without getting sick of it?)
You thought to yourself

"Want some? Cutie"
As the god offered some to you

"Uh sure l'll have some"
You then grabbed it and took a seat beside him and unwrapped the chocolate taking a bite out of it you then glanced at him (were gods always this hot? If so you wouldn't mind)

"You done staring cutie~?"
He teased as i quickly looked away you can't help but feel embarrassed since you had been caught staring

"I wasn't staring! I was just observing you!" You exclaimed

"Oh yeah sure observing me your very interesting cutie"
He laughed and damn his laugh was contagious

Y/n can't help but gaze at him and smile as well as letting out a chuckle

"Well your laugh sure is contagious you know that!" He was a fun individual to be with


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