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Bright cresent moon is shines the Hogwarts. Moonlight casted right on every windows. Moon, zava's cat woke up and start hissing and running around so does other Ravenclaw student's pet, even Nuel's pet, Hazel.

Zava woke up because he never heard Moon hissing that loud. He looked around with sleepy eyes and messy hair. He tried to calming down Moon but it didn't work until. He saw his wand shaked and almost fell of the drawer before he caught it in time and he felt the ground shaked even more and rubble fell from his room.


One of the Ravenclaw student yelled so loud that woke everyone in Zava's room up.

In rush, Zava picked Moon up and his wand, also Nuel and two other roommate. Everyone rushed towards the exit, because of panics, Nuel forgot his glasses and ran back to his room. Zava who the only saw that, immedietly stopped him.

"Just forget about the glasses, we can buy it later!"

"Noo, that glasses are gift from my mom! I need to get back!"

When Nuel tried to freed himself from Zava's grip, gray and black crow flew toward them with Nuel's glasses in his beak followed by Jeslyn behind him. Nuel immedietly picked the glasses on.

"We need to go now!" forced Zava without letting go his grip.

They started running and suddenly a bricks fell from right above them.

"Protego Totalum!" A shield charm casted by Anton. The bricks shattered into little bits after hit the invisible barrier.

"What the bloody hell you doing here?" asked Anton harsly.

They just stayed silent and not answered Anton question.

"C'mon, just get out from here, before Professor Flitwick and other prefects looking for us," continued him.

Slowly the invisible barrier dissappeared. They immedietly rushed towards the exit. And Anton was right, Professor Flitwick and other prefects counted all of Ravenclaw students. Professor Flitwick saw four of us just walked with dust and sand all of our clothes, he mad.

"Where are you just coming from?" asked Professor Flitwick worried.

Zava immedietly answered, "Sorry, Prof, we have to find another exit because the main exit is blocked by rumbles, soo we have to find another exit."

"Thanks to Merlin that you all saved. Just wait here until further information."

"Thank you, Prof," said Zava politely.

Professor Flitwick left them alone and joined with other professor and hogwarts staff. They all sat down with calmly while catch their breaths.

"Zav, i'm sorry for my behavior before, and for Jess and your crow for saving my glasses. And Anton, thank you for saving me," said Nuel guilty.

"It's okay, you are my friend, and there is no way i will let you go that easyly," said Zava casually.

"Just dont do it again okay," said Anton while lied on the grass.

"You can thanks me and Richie by help me to train Richie more and buy him a treat," smiled Jess followed Richie's caws.

Nuel, Jeslyn and Anton laughed but Zava looked around at the students crowd. He worried because he can't see Salsa in the crowd and tried to not panicked, until he saw Salsa with Max in her hand, and Ellena with Sage on her shoulder, and he smiled. Salsa and Ellena joined the gathering. Ellena sat besides Anton, and Salsa sat on the right of Zava. He realized that Salsa didn't wear her eye patch and just blocked her left eye with her messy hair bangs.

"Where is your eye patch, Sal?" whispered Zava.

"I'm sorry, i'm in rush, i forget to wear it," answered Salsa regretly.

"It's okay, here, let me fix your hair bangs."

Zava fixed her hair bangs smoothly with his finger.

"Just like back when we were in school," said Zava slowly then smiled. Salsa just smiled with red-faced. The other just pretended nothing happened and still talking about the earthquake.

Max and Moon get close and started licking each other's heads. Everyone who saw that immedietly laugh while looked over Zava and Salsa.

Suddenly, a night breeze came and gushed all of them. Salsa was the only one who doesn't wear her Slytherin rob started to caught a cold, she folded her hands towards her body and blew some steam from her mouth. Zava knew what Salsa felt, so he removed his Ravenclaw rob and put it on her body. "Thanks," said Salsa slowly while leant to Zava's shoulder.

Everyone enjoyed the clear-cloudy night while waited for all the Professor and Prefects repair and find the main problem of the earthquake. Because soo rarely for Hogwarts got an earthquake even for geographical or magic stands. They felt the ground shacked again, but not that hard than before, but still makes them worried.

"TROOLLLLLSSSS!!!!" screamed by one of the student while pointed at them.

Everyone started to looked where the student pointed before. The student was right, there are four Mountain Trolls, but the size are double than averange Mountain Troll. Anton wondered how Mountain Trolls can grew that big. All the Prefects immedietly ran back towards their houses and protected all the students.

"Wands Up!" yelled one of the Prefect. "Cast!"

"Protego Totalum!" casted every each Prefect.

A huge invisible barrier appeared around all of the students. The double-sized Mountain Troll walked slowly, every steps makes the ground shacked, they even can smell the moist and wet-liked the Mountain Trolls are. Each houses dealt with one Mountain Troll. Anton, Ellena, Zava, Salsa, Jeslyn and Nuel stood freezely because they don't know what they should do.

Six Ravenclaw Prefects dealt with one of the double-sized Mountain Troll. One of them tried to kept the shield barrier on, three of them are tried to stopped it by using basic attack spell, and the other two were ready for casted the dark magic. Basic attack spell casted by those three Prefects didn't give any effect to the double-sized Mountain Troll, and it just kept walking towards them. The Mountain troll knew what happened and started to smashed the shield barrier with their big club made of wood with rock at the end of it. The Prefect who was casted the shield barrier screaming in pain because his energy drained for every single hit by The Mountain Troll.

The double-sized Mountain Troll hit the invisible barrier again and the shield immedietly gone, vanished. All the Ravenclaw students panicked including Anton, Ellena, Zava, Salsa, Jeslyn, and Nuel. But, the one of the two other Prefects who were ready before immedietly casted.

"Expelliarmus!" before the last hit, hit the students. The club suddenly came off from the double-sized Mountain Troll and flew from it. The double-sized Mountain confused for what just happened and looked around for the club, but before it can reached the club the last one cast.

"Avada Kedavra!" an unforgivable spell, the green beam came out from his wand and weirdly hit all the double-sized Mountain Troll and all of them immedietly collapse on the ground. All the prefect from other houses looked confusely at the Prefect who the one that casted, but not for long, one by one students from all houses clapped to the Prefect followed by cheered.

Anton, Ellena, Zava, Salsa, Jeslyn and Nuel were clapped to the Prefect too and when Salsa turned around, she saw the normal-sized Mountain Troll appeared not far from them.

"Gu-guys..." said Salsa afraidly.

Zava was the first one who immedietly looked at her and followed byAnton and Ellena. They immedietly rushed towards her and already ready theirwand. Jeslyn and Nuel pulled Salsa to the back because she froze shockly. Shelooked at Jeslyn and Nuel scaredly and looked again to Anton, Salsa and Ellenainfront of her. The same view as what she saw before.

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