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Six years ago. Salsa was walked alone to the canteen because her best friend still have class. On the way to the canteen, Salsa always get bullied by students who doesn't liked her bright blue eyes and weird bangs for blocked her left eye.

"Look! The girl with weird eye!" said the bully followed by laugh from other bullies.

"Look how she walk, always looking down everytime."

"Hey, weird eye!" called one of the bullies.

She just kept silent and tried to not respond their words even in the deep down, Salsa was mad. She kept thinking why she was different than the other 'normal' kid. She doesn't have place to complained, she even didn't trust her own parents. She felt alone.


She thought that was her best friends, but it wasn't. When Salsa looked at the source of the sound, it was her bullies pretended to be her best friends and two of them suddenly threw a baloons full of water and hit Salsa's school uniform. She was soaked because the water spalshed everywhere. Other students and other people in the canteen just looked at her and pretended nothing happened.

Salsa who already boiled-mad. She walked towards one of the bullies who threw the baloon full of water at her and pulled her clothes with annoyed look.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" yelled Salsa loudly that makes people in the canteen looked at her again. She tried to hold her tears.

"Wow, chill.. i'm sorry..." said the bully scaredly but Salsa didn't removed her grip on her bully's collar uniform.

"I said, i'm sorry..." said her again, then Salsa loose her grip slowly on her collar uniform.

But the bully saw an opportunity and took it. "Hahaha, what a bitch!" She pulled Salsa's hair that make her bangs moved a little bit and the bullies saw just a little bit of Salsa's other eyes and she immedietly put on a disgusted face than slapped Salsa hard until make she collapsed on the floor.

The other bullies just looked at her and laughed at her proudly. Salsa just can stayed on the floor protected her face then started crying. The bullies who listened her cried, pulled her hair again and saw Salsa's face turns red. "What a bitch!" the bully about to slap her again.

"STOP THAT!" yelled someone from her back, she let go Salsa's hair with shocked face.

It's Zava, Anton, Ellena, Jeslyn and Nuel. They came on right time. All of them rushed to Salsa who was crying. Nuel and Jeslyn tried to calmed her down meanwhile Zava, Anton and Ellena stood up in front of her comfronted the bullies.

"What do you want? Is she disturb you?" asked Zava aggresively.

"Is She had a problem with you?" continued Anton.

"How dare you did that to my friend!" Ellena tried to slapped the bully but Zava hold her.

"I'll tell the teacher about all of this, and you will pay for what you just did!" threated Zava while pointed the bully aggresivly.

Then the bullies were leaving them all because they dont want any more trouble. Zava turned his back and checked Salsa's conditions.

"Sal, you okay? I'm sorry, i'm late," said Zava regretly.

Salsa didn't answer his question and looked down cried.

"Sal, we are sorry... you dont have to do this to us, you are our friend and always be," said Anton while patted her hair once.

Ellena sat down with Salsa, Jelsyn, and Nuel. She just sat there while patting Salsa hair over and over again until she suddenly raised her head and looked at everyone around her. She tried to wipe her tears, but Zava stopped her so he can do it by himself.

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