65: Heart In Shambles

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The room seemed to grow smaller, suffocating Najah as she witnessed a sight she never thought she would see. Her eyes widened in disbelief. It all felt like a dream.

Jameel, the strong-willed and confident man she had known for a long time, now knelt in front of his mother; his shoulders slumped and his eyes downcast. His vulnerability was obvious. He wouldn't even be able to hide it if he wanted.

Najah's face contorted with a mix of shock and concern as Jameel began to speak.

"Please don't do this," Jameel's quivered. Najah didn't fail to notice how hard he was trying to articulate his thoughts. Each word stumbled out hesitantly. His eyes were a reflection of insecurity and fear. "Don't make me do this. If she's made a mistake, she's going to apologize to you... Fawaaz is just a year old. He needs his parents with him. I don't want him to grow up in a broken family. I know you also don't want that for your grandson."

Najah swallowed a lump in her throat. Standing there and watching the scene unfold before her, she had no idea what she was supposed to do. She wanted so badly to intervene and voice out her thoughts, but at the same time, she did not want another embarrassment from Jameel. In as much as she was angry with Afrah for how she treated Hajiya, she felt the punishment for too harsh.

"Do you think I care?" Hajiya's high-pitched voice broke Najah from her trance. "I don't! You're going to divorce her, and that's final. Unless you want me to disown you."

Najah averted her gaze to Jameel who was still on his knees in front of his mother. Her heart ached at the unpleasant sight before her. Seeing him in that state was completely foreign to her. He looked broken. So broken that he couldn't even speak. He tried a few times but couldn't get any word out.

"Hajiya..." Najah's voice trailed. She knew she shouldn't be talking after the way Jameel shut her out, but she couldn't stay quiet anymore. Her conscience was tugging hard at her. "I know you're very angry, and I understand you totally. I know you're only saying this right now because you are angry. For the sake of your grandson, ple—"

"Enough!" Hajiya yelled, cutting her off. "Do you know what your problem is? You're too good. You don't have an atom of bad in you. You believe everyone else is as good as you are. Afrah is an evil woman. The way she spoke to me today has proven to me that I was right about her in every sense. She's a manipulative witch."

"Okay," Jameel agreed, making Najah let out an inaudible gasp. She definitely did not expect Jameel to give in so easily. "If that is what you want, I will do it, but just know that you will lose me too. I may be alive but I will be rendered lifeless. You know how much Afrah means to me. You were there when she left me. You saw how much I suffered...how hard I tried to go on. You witnessed everything. You are my mother. My happiness is supposed to mean the most to you, but it's obvious it means nothing to you."

Najah's heart tightened in her chest as she listened to Jameel express his undying love for Afrah. In that moment, she realized how big a fool she was to ever think Jameel was capable of loving another woman after Afrah. It was obvious that his world started and ended with her. Her presence in the room did not make him suppress his feelings. It didn't make a difference at all. He was laying his heart bare for all to see.

Jameel's eyes brimmed up with tears as he continued; "I love you so much, Hajiya. I want to do everything in my power to make you happy. I promised you that I would. No one is more important to me than you. I know you're currently mad at Afrah, but I have spoken to her, and she's promised to apologize to you. Can't you just forgive her? For the sake of your only grandchild? I cannot go on without her, Hajiya. I don't want to lose her or you. I know you don't want to lose me too. Please let's not make things difficult for each other."

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