5 - Marrok

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A glut of compliments were showered upon me during the evening, mostly from people I'd never met. Maintaining the pretence of appreciation quickly drained my energy, yet oddly, I would've welcomed Marrok's congratulations. His parents had fawned plenty over me, but other than a fleeting glimpse earlier, the delectable Marrok was nowhere to be seen. Had he grown bored with all the pomp and circumstance and preferred the luxury of leather seats in a flashy car? Did that car include one of his fanbase groupies? A soupcon of envy caressed that last consideration and I quickly shooed it away with a slug of champagne. Ugh! 

Three waiters holding salvers of drinks and canapes had been deftly threading their way between guests since the announcement. As one passed near, I grabbed another glass from his tray. My lips curled at the edges; champagne wasn't to my liking, and why I continued to persevere with it, I didn't know. It was nothing more than expensive carbonated grape juice, which I nicknamed 'snobby bubbles'. But it was the chosen libation for such gatherings. A Budweiser would have suited me better, but I didn't see any at the drinks table, but I knew where some would be stashed.

I slipped into the kitchen and once closed, I leaned back against the door, relieved to have escaped all the fuss and frivolity, albeit for a few moments. Undoubtedly, at least one of my parents would seek me out when they noted that their Heir had gone AWOL. With a huff, I tipped the champagne into the sink and made for the fridge. The inner light spilt over my dress and shoes as I checked the shelves for my favourite tipple. Much to my delight, I found a few bottles huddled at the back and they rattled as I picked one up. 

"Don't suppose I could have one?" A mellow voice from a short distance away startled me.

I leaned back to see who'd spoken. Marrok! Even in the semi-dark, I could see every contour of his handsome face; the smooth brow framed by a head of glorious black hair, the straight nose, full lips, dimpled chin and startling green eyes. I suddenly felt flustered, the cool air from the fridge doing nothing to alleviate the blush rising from my neck. "Bud, OK?" My voice sounded pathetically weak, and I gave myself a quiet reprimand.

"Sure." Marrok walked towards me until he, too, was bathed in the fridge's light. 

I plucked the magnetised bottle opener from the fridge door, opened a beer, and handed it to him, relieved to see my hand only had the slightest of tremors. I didn't want him to see how nervous I was. "What are you doing in here, anyway?" I blurted out simultaneously cringing at my accusatory tone.

He smiled wanly and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry," he said. "I'm not the world's most comfortable party guest."

His confession surprised me, for I'd imagined such an event would've been right up his street. I felt guilty for sounding so incensed at his presence in the kitchen. "Me neither," I said quickly, popping the cap off another Bud and putting the bottle to my lips.

Marrok laughed, light. "It's your party, though." He took a swig of beer.

"Not really. It was my parents' idea to hold this soirée. It's not my kinda thing at all." I closed the fridge, and the room was once more in darkness. Granted, my blushes were now concealed, but I realised it wasn't the best idea to be standing in the dark, so I moved away to switch on the spots running under the cabinets.

"What! You can't afford proper lighting?" Marrok joked.

I smirked, a little flustered, but as usual, I had a retort. "Well, I can get the spare chandelier dusted and hung up if you prefer." Unfortunately, that also came out snarky. I hated myself right then. I wasn't normally so edgy with boys, but something about Marrok made me a bumbling idiot.

He was quiet for a moment, his eyes searching my face, no doubt thinking what an ungracious hostess I was, but then he laughed. And so did I. What little tension there had been between us dissipated, and finally I relaxed, relieved to be away from the rabble and enjoying a simple beer.

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