Chapter Three - Unexpected Visitor

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Deliah awoke, her eyes fluttering open to the blinding rays of sunlight infiltrating every corner of the room. Shielding her face with her hands, she squinted, allowing her eyes to gradually adapt to the brilliance. The shrill chirping of her alarm pierced through her consciousness, filling her mind with its monotonous cadence. The recollections of the previous night flooded her mind, consumed by memories of Azrael. He appeared utterly lost and alone, an overwhelming sense of compassion came over her. Although she had encountered him only twice, the encounter was etched in her memory—a meeting with a being that seemed to transcend the boundaries of this world.

Emerging from her bed, she retrieved her cherished vintage jacket from the nearby chair and draped it across her shoulders. Aware of her tightly scheduled morning, she had already dressed the night before and slept in her attire. Descending the stairs with unsteady steps, she slipped her feet into worn-out brown boots, their soles deteriorating with each passing day. Grabbing a small container filled with a mixture of nuts and berries near the doorway, she ventured into the forest adjacent to her house—the very same place where she had encountered Azrael, a bit farther down the path.

Perhaps she should gather some more food for him in case their paths crossed once more. Reaching her intended destination, she found the small squirrel nestled within a hole at the base of a tree. Left behind by its mother. Carefully, she placed a portion of the food in front of the creature and patiently awaited its response, a gentle smile gracing her face. Gradually, the squirrel awakened, its eyes blinking open as it sniffed toward the tantalizing berries. She checked the time on her watch. Shoot, if she didn't hurry up she would miss her bus to university. Not a good thing. Whispering goodbye to the baby squirrel, she hurriedly ran off to get the last of her things.

[TIME SKIP: 6pm]

After a long and exhausting day, Deliah arrived home, her fatigue weighing heavily upon her. However, her weariness stopped abruptly as she halted in front of her locked door, frozen by a loud crash emanating from inside. Perplexed and on edge, she cautiously unlocked the door, trying to minimize any noise. To her astonishment, she was greeted by a bewildered Azrael standing at the threshold. Their eyes locked in a moment of mutual surprise and recognition. Startled, Deliah dropped her bag to the floor, her gaze fixed intently upon him.

Inside the house, Azrael's presence seemed magnified compared to his stature amidst the towering trees of the forest. Even while crouching, he appeared much larger. His intense, violet eyes penetrated the depths of her soul. He tilted his head, a gesture tinged with an air of remorse. In response, Deliah could only muster a disbelieving chuckle, overwhelmed by the surreal nature of the situation.

"What the hell are you doing here" She muttered under her breath, talking to herself. Approaching him with caution, Deliah gingerly navigated the scattered fragments of broken glass strewn across the floor. Her voice laced with curiosity, she inquired,

"How did you manage to track me down?"

She gazed up at Azrael, perplexed by his unexpected presence. Oblivious to her words, he responded with a smile, his understanding of human speech practically none existent. Rising to his feet, he cast a glance toward Deliah before bolting out of the room, sliding and skidding across the slippery surface into the kitchen. His exuberance caused him to collide with the counters, inadvertently toppling a plastic cup from its place near the sink. In the midst of the chaos, Azrael erupted in laughter, his amusement filling the air. Despite feeling a tinge of annoyance at Azrael's clumsiness, Delilah couldn't resist a smile, touched by his infectious joy. She opened the refrigerator, retrieving some microwavable meals she had purchased a few days ago—realizing they needed to be consumed soon anyway. After heating up one of the meals, she handed it to Azrael, providing him with a fork and attempting to demonstrate its use. His gaze fixed upon her as if she was crazy and he proceeded to eat the meal with his hands. Audibly sighing, Deliah rubbed her temples in frustration, relieved that at least he managed to keep the food from scattering across the floor.

Guiding him over to the sink, she washed his hands as he swiftly became captivated by the sound of her phone's notification. Pulling his body away, he picked up the phone, scrutinizing it at close proximity, the device appearing miniature against his massive hands. Delilah observed Azrael, her eyebrows raised in disapproval, only to spot a trail of feathers scattered across the floor in the wake of the towering figure. With a sense of urgency, she hurried into the room to investigate. Annoyance welled up within her as she discovered that half of the pillows had been torn apart, reduced to shreds. Casting a stern gaze towards Azrael, who remained captivated by the flickering lights on her phone screen, she struggled to maintain her anger. There was something about him, an inexplicable aura that seemed to dissolve her negative emotions. Shaking her head, she decided to set aside her frustration and began the task of cleaning up the mess.

In an impulsive act, she tossed one of the shredded pillows at Azrael, who had become fixated on a cat that had wandered into the room. Startled, he jumped back and fixed his gaze upon her, wide-eyed. However, Azrael swiftly snatched the pillow and leaped onto Delilah, who let out a melodramatic cry of pain. Though he didn't actually harm her, the sudden action was enough to startle Azrael, filling him with concern. Deliah couldn't help but giggle at his alarmed expression, finding amusement in his worried demeanour.

As hours passed, Azrael gradually began to lose much of his restless energy, settling down. Deliah guided him to the basement, a space she had renovated together with her mother a year prior. Gathering an assortment of blankets and pillows, she arranged a makeshift bed for him, well aware of the cold outside and his apparent reluctance to venture back into it. His expressions had made his preference abundantly clear. Deliah marvelled at how remarkably he communicated without words. Letting out a tired yawn, she ascended the stairs to change her attire and collect some snacks for Azrael, ensuring he wouldn't go hungry during the night.

Collapsing onto the couch, Deliah cast a gaze toward Azrael, who had finally nestled himself beneath the sheets. Initially hesitant to touch them, he seemed unaccustomed to the sensation of cotton against his skin—a reaction she understood, given his upbringing in the forest. However, after some playful wrestling, she managed to coax him under the covers, and soon enough, he grew accustomed to their touch. Snuggled up to an old plushie he had discovered in the basement, a relic from Deliah's childhood, Azrael's actions melted Deliah's heart. Witnessing this once-intimidating and fearsome creature transform into a gentle, affectionate giant filled her with a sense of tenderness.

It didn't take long for sleep to unwittingly claim Deliah, a fact Azrael soon noticed. With a gentle embrace, he scooped her up and lay her besides him, burying his face in her delicate brown hair. Stirring her from her sleep to some degree, his actions prompted her to regain partial consciousness. However, weighed down by fatigue, she lacked the energy to oppose or object to what he was doing. Eventually, both Deliah and Azrael succumbed to a peaceful slumber, finding solace in each other's presence.

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