Chapter Two - Scars and Secrets

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The dense canopy overhead provided shade from the scorching heat, making it the perfect retreat from the sun. The forest floor was a kaleidoscope of colours, as wildflowers and mushrooms bloomed in the dappled sunlight. Azrael lay forwards, legs kicked in the air, making flower crowns clumsily with his big boned hands, which were rough and calloused from all the time he spent climbing trees and hunting. He fumbled on the delicate petals, crushing multiple as he groaned out, with a scowl of his face, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. Rolling onto his back, completely given up with what he was doing, he gazed into the sun, its luminous glow casting a warm and inviting light over the land. What a beautiful thing it was. A celestial body of light. He closed his eyes and felt the warmth melt into his skin, taking in every little rustle of noise from the creatures of the woodland. He thought about that little human he met in the woods, her enchanting smile before she ran off into human territory which he didn't dare to enter. Humans only saw him as a threat, which sucked as he didn't mean no harm. Humans were so fascinating to him, studying their behaviour was one of his favourite pastimes. The fear of being caught kept him away from adventuring too close. That is why his whole world lit up when he first met the human in the woods. He yearned to see her again. A butterfly settled gently on his arm, its wings beating a slow and steady rhythm. He opened his eyes and smiled at the graceful creature. The vibrant colours shimmered in the sunlight.

Hooking the now finished flower crown around his jagged horns, the soft petals of the blossoms woven together in a ring. He lazily got onto his feet and wandered further in. The further he got, the trees grew taller and more imposing. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a hazy glow. The sounds of the forest grew louder, with the chattering of squirrels and singing of birds. Squeezing through the misshapen and contorted trees, he carefully made sure his crown didn't get ripped. Creeping up to the entrance of the forest, he gazed into the world of the humans. He saw two little kids playing on the large patch of grass, which blades were translucent in the sunlight, casting a soft, green glow on the ground. The two of them bursts into fits of laughter as they wrestled with each other. Azrael lightly gleamed. His smile was warm-hearted, radiating kindness, his eyes filled with affection and tenderness. However deep down he felt a tang of jealousy; how he wished he could experience that joy. He noticed a girl from the corner of his eye, she was sitting down, her head buried in her book. The wind blew through her long brown hair, making it dance and sway like waves. His eyes lit up in excitement. It was the girl! He wanted to get her attention so bad but he knew there was no way he could show himself in front of other humans. That was a death wish. Groaning he threw himself backwards and lay on the floor sprawled out. Clumsily putting his gigantic hands over his face, pulling his lower eyelids down as he thought. Sitting up after countless terrible ideas to show himself, he bashed his head on the branch on top of him and cursed under his breath.

He opened his eyes, squinting, a girl sat cross legged in front of him, grinning like a mad man. A surge of surprise and confusion overtook him, and he was taken aback, his eyes enlarging in disbelief. Did he make too much noise? How did she notice him? His surprise soon became happiness as he jumped forward and embraced the girl in a tight hug. "Del- i -ah?" His musky voice echoed out. "You remembered!!" she exclaimed, even though she knew he didn't understand a word she just said. "Hey Azrael, it's a pleasure to see you again" As she rested her head against his chest, she was comforted by the sound of his gentle heartbeat. With a contented grin, Azrael scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the forest. He held her close, his strong arms cradling her delicate form protectively, shielding her from any potential harm that the trees might inflict. They stopped in a cove, Azrael looked down at the girl, who was staring up at him in annoyance. He tilted his head and grinned a toothy grin, his fangs glistening in the sun. She couldn't help but smile back. Pushing him away, she fixed her hair, which was messily frizzed up all over the place. A particularly bright ray of sunlight settled on Azrael body, illuminated all the featured Deliah missed in their last encounter. His body bore an intricate tapestry of scars, jagged and deep, littered all over his body in a chaotic manner. But it was the array of mysterious markings that intrigued her most. Each shape seemed to hold a hidden meaning, yet she couldn't decipher a single one. They covered his entire body, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes, it was honestly quite beautiful. However, As her eyes roamed over his body, she couldn't help but notice how lean he was. The sight of his muscular physique only served to highlight the prominence of his bones. It didn't seem healthy for him to be so thin. Pity swelled within her, but she quickly averted her eyes and refocused on Azrael's face. Despite their brief encounter just days before, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence. His eyes sparkled in the dim light, and she couldn't help but wonder what secrets they held.

Without warning, he seized her once more, drawing her close in a powerful embrace. With a swift motion, he sprang up and launched himself onto the nearby tree, his grip on her side tightening with an almost painful intensity. A wave of fear coursed through her, causing her to instinctively wrap both arms and legs around his frame for support. Despite her terror, a low chuckle escaped from his lips. As he climbed higher and higher, Deliah's grip got tighter and tighter. Azrael soon felt himself get half chocked to death. He hurriedly got to the top of the tree. Finding a sturdy branch, he positioned himself and Deliah upon it, feeling it easily bear the weight of both of them. With a sense of relief, he settled in, making sure they were both secure and comfortable With a gentle nudge, he urged her to open her eyes, and as she did, a sense of awe washed over her. The view from the treetop was breathtakingly beautiful, and for a moment, all of her fears melted away. As she gazed out at the stunning vista, he watched as wonder and amazement played across her features, taking in everything around her. A flock of birds flew up ahead, singing their songs and moving in sync. She let out a laugh as her body eased up. She leant back onto Azrael and shut her eyes, allowing the wind to rush over her body, and a sense of tranquillity washed over her. She felt at one with the elements, and for a moment, everything else faded away.

Just as the moment began to settle around them, Azrael abruptly swept her away, plunging them back down into the gnarled and rugged forest below. Yet despite its rough edges, nature's beauty still shone through, transforming the wilderness into a place of true wonder and enchantment. He seemed to have this thing where he always acted out rashly. Not even a warning. With graceful ease, he leaped onto the next tree in the line, and then to the one beyond that. Each landing was precise and sure, as if he had been born to navigate the forest in this way, but soon stopped once he felt Deliah's discomfort. She clung on to him, her body was consumed by a surge of fear. He carefully lowered her to the ground, where she lay down and curled up into a ball, trying her hardest not to puke everywhere. He lay next to her and held her in his arms, slowly rocking back and forth to try calm her. He felt extremely guilty. He didn't mean to make her scared, he was trying to have fun but he should of known human most likely aren't used to the sheer height of the trees.

Azrael carried her to the forest's edge and gently laid her down. As she stood up, she offered him a reassuring smile, not wanting him to feel responsible for what had happened. Though part of her knew she had overreacted, fear had a way of consuming her senses. They sat on a tree stump, awkward silence filled the air, although she could feel Azrael eyes on her, she just fiddled with her fingers. Azrael poked her to get her attention, then tilted his head and pointed to his open mouth. Deliah quickly grasped his meaning; he was hungry. She searched through her bag, but realized she had no food with her. She briefly considered returning to her house to get some, but hesitated at the thought of leaving Azrael alone. Feeling at a loss, she resolved to make a run for her house and back. She gestured to Azrael, trying to convey that she would return and that he should stay put, but she wasn't sure if he understood. Without further delay, she bolted off, hoping he wouldn't follow her, and that he knew that she wasn't leaving him. She returned shortly after with some scraps she salvaged from the food her mother made last night, opening up the container, she gave it to Azrael who just stared. Confused on how to eat it. Deliah took the initiative and scooped a handful of the noodles into her hand and dangled them into her mouth. Azrael's eyes widened with delight as he tentatively tried the food. He seemed to be enjoying it immensely, as he eagerly scooped at the noodles and quickly finished the bowl. Deliah couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, feeling a sense of joy from sharing something so simple yet enjoyable with him. He tilted his head at her, asking for more. "I'll give you some tomorrow" she chuckled.

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