Chapter Seven -

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As the man made way towards the large, rusty cage, his predatory aura filling the air, the crowd reluctantly gave way, their hushed whispers hanging in the air like a haunting refrain. The man who had called for order was Dr. Samuel Hartwell, a renowned scientist known for his experiments on creatures not yet deemed safe for humanity. His eyes gleamed with a sinister curiosity as they locked onto Azrael, a specimen unlike any he had encountered before.

Azrael's heart pounded within his chest, and his amethyst eyes betrayed a mix of apprehension and curiosity. He knew nothing of this world beyond the forest, and now, he was thrust into the spotlight as an object of fascination for these humans. He wished desperately for Deliah's comforting presence, her gentle voice that had soothed his fears in the past.

Dr. Hartwell approached the cage, his gloved hands gripping a leather-bound journal and a set of unsettling instruments. With a cold smile, he began to speak, his words dripping with scientific detachment. "Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a true marvel of nature, a creature unlike anything the world has seen. Our opportunity for groundbreaking research lies within these iron bars."

The crowd listened, some with intrigue, others with growing unease. Azrael, however, could sense the menace lurking behind the scientist's facade. He understood, in his own way, that his very existence was under threat, and the heart that beat within his chest quickened with a primal fear. As Dr. Hartwell's cold, calculating gaze bore into Azrael's, the innocent creature from the forest braced himself for a future fraught with uncertainty, all the while longing for the solace of his distant home and the kind-hearted soul who had once shown him kindness.


Deliah sat in the crowded lecture hall, her attention divided between her coursework and the monotone voice of the professor droning on at the front. She was a diligent medical student, known among her peers for her unwavering commitment to her studies. Her journey into the world of medicine had been a lifelong aspiration, sparked by a childhood fascination with anatomy and a love for helping others.

Her days were a well-orchestrated ballet of academia and practical experience. Deliah was a keen observer, known to dissect complex medical concepts with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel. Her desk, a haven of organized chaos, was an ever-evolving mosaic of textbooks, color-coded notes, and medical journals. Her pen, a trusted companion, raced across the pages, capturing the essence of the lecture with meticulous precision.

But then, a murmur rippled through the lecture hall, a whisper that grew into excited chatter. The news had spread like wildfire, and it was the talk of the entire class. Azrael's existence, his discovery, had made headlines across the nation. The screens at the front of the lecture hall displayed images of Azrael in his cage, his alien appearance evoking both awe and curiosity.

Deliah's heart sank like a stone in her chest as she listened to her classmates' animated discussions. They spoke of Azrael as if he were a scientific breakthrough, a marvel of the world. They were thrilled, ecstatic even, about this unprecedented discovery. But Deliah knew better.

In the midst of their jubilation, a profound sense of dread and horror washed over her. She had seen Azrael for who he truly was, a gentle, harmless being who had trusted her in a world where trust was a rare and precious gift. She knew, with a sickening certainty, that her best friend was now in the hands of her fellow humans, and the thought of what might happen to him at the hands of those who saw him as a scientific specimen sent shivers down her spine.

Deliah buried her face in her hands, trying to block out the cheerful conversations around her. Her mind raced, grappling with the weight of the knowledge that she might be the only one who truly understood the tragedy unfolding, the heartbreak of a creature torn from his home and subjected to the curiosity of a world that could never truly fathom his innocence.


The sterile, dimly lit room had become Azrael's new reality. A stark contrast to the vibrant forest he had once called home, it was a place where every moment seemed to stretch into an eternity. The daily routine of experiments in the laboratory was a harrowing ordeal. A contraption of metal and straps was used to immobilize his limbs, and then a series of uncomfortable measurements were taken. Callipers pinched his flesh, and his limbs were pulled and prodded, causing him excruciating pain. Blood tests became routine.

Needles pierced his gray skin with ruthless precision, each puncture penetrating deep into veins and arteries to draw samples of his life's essence. The sensation was like a thousand tiny knives, the cold metal breaching his defenses, leaving trails of discomfort and a lingering taste of metallic bitterness in his mouth.

Following the invasive needles, electrodes were affixed to his skin, each cold, adhesive pad a promise of impending torment. The first shock was like a bolt of lightning, coursing through his body with unforgiving intensity. It seized his muscles, making them contort and spasm involuntarily. His nerves screamed in protest, a cacophony of agony that reverberated through his being.

But the shocks didn't relent; they were a relentless assault, a barrage of electricity that left Azrael gasping for breath, his limbs twitching uncontrollably. He clenched his teeth, the taste of blood filling his mouth as he bit down to stifle his cries. Each jolt was a cruel reminder of his helplessness, a brutal demonstration of the power those who held him captive had over him.

In the wake of the shocks, a numbness would settle in, a strange dichotomy where his body felt both hyperaware and detached, like a marionette being manipulated by an unseen puppeteer. The pain would linger, echoing in his muscles and nerves long after the electrodes were removed.

The experiments were as unpredictable as they were agonizing, with varying levels of voltage that left him dreading every session. X-ray machines and scanning devices were used to peer into his body. He was subjected to endless scans, his organs and skeletal structure dissected with relentless precision.

As each day blurred into the next, Azrael's spirit endured a steady assault. He remembered the wind in his hair, the gentle touch of Deliah's hand, and the laughter of the forest. These memories became his lifeline, a fragile thread connecting him to his past and to the hope of a future beyond the cold, clinical walls of the laboratory.

The isolation ate away at his sanity. The sterile walls of his cell were a stark contrast to the vibrant world he had known. The laughter of the forest, once a comforting symphony, now seemed like a cruel mockery, a distant echo that taunted him from the shadows of his dreams. The nightmares were relentless, weaving a tapestry of despair in his mind. He dreamt of being chased, of being trapped in a never-ending labyrinth, and of endless needles and electrodes probing his body. Each night, he awoke with a start, his heart pounding, only to find himself imprisoned in the cold, unfeeling room.

The experiments were not only a test of Azrael's physical endurance but also a relentless assault on his mental well-being. Yet, through the pain and despair, he clung to the belief that one day he would escape, return to the world he loved. That somehow, he would be back into the safety of Deliah's arms.

As Azrael lay in his dimly lit cell, exhausted and broken, a faint sound reached his ears. It was a series of whispered voices outside the laboratory, growing louder as they approached. He strained to hear what they were saying, but the words were foreign and incomprehensible to him.

"They can't keep this up any longer," one voice said, but Azrael couldn't grasp the meaning.

"I heard they've pushed him to the brink," another replied.

Azrael's heart raced as he realized that these voices belonged to the very scientists and guards responsible for his captivity. It seemed that their experiments had taken a toll even on their own resolve.

The whispers grew more urgent, and then, a voice that sent a shiver down Azrael's spine said something he couldn't understand.

The cell door swung open suddenly, flooding his world with blinding light. A stern-faced scientist stood there, and without any attempt at communication, Azrael was yanked to his feet and dragged out of the cell.

As they moved him through the sterile, labyrinthine corridors, Azrael could sense the growing tension among the scientists. The atmosphere was charged with uncertainty and fear, though he couldn't comprehend why. The scientist's grip on him remained unyielding, and Azrael was forced to stumble forward, helpless and bewildered, into the unknown.

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