Chapter Six - Human Ties, Demon Eyes

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Amidst the room's quiet hum, Deliah sat at the table, fully engrossed in stacks of paperwork, her pen moving across the pages with unwavering determination. Soft daylight streamed in through the window, casting a gentle glow upon the room's warm, earth-toned walls. Shelves lined with books and files stood sentry along one wall. A potted plant on the windowsill reached out towards the light, adding a touch of vibrant green to the otherwise orderly space. The faint scent of coffee lingered in the air, a testament to her fuel for the task at hand. Abruptly, a loud crash disrupted her focused state, causing her to snap upright and direct her gaze towards the source of the disturbance. Through the door, Azrael came sliding in, wings hidden once again, slipping on the scattered papers that adorned the dark oak floor.

"Azrael!!" Deliah exclaimed, a tinge of annoyance lacing her voice as she reacted to the chaos he had caused. With a resounding thud, Azrael landed face-first on the ground. She couldn't contain her laughter at his clumsy predicament, the ecstasy bubbling up within her. Observing him for a few seconds, half-expecting him to rise on his own, Deliah eventually approached to check on him. She attempted to pull him up, wrapping her arms around his lower chest, but her efforts proved futile. Azrael rolled over, inadvertently trapping Deliah's arm beneath his body.

"I swear to God, Azrael, get off," Deliah insisted, her voice filled with a mix of exasperation and amusement. In response, he playfully blew a raspberry, a mischievous gesture that further fueled her laughter.

After considerable effort, Deliah managed to rescue her arm, prompting Azrael to nonchalantly rise from the floor. His action was met with a searing death glare from Deliah. Intent on resuming her paperwork, she turned away, only for Azrael to swiftly grab her hand before she could even take a single step. Without delay, he tugged her towards the open outdoors, his determination unwavering.

Venturing into the forest, Deliah grumbled irritably while trailing behind him. He led them both to a spacious clearing, the ground blanketed in a vibrant array of wildflowers and clovers. Azrael's excitement was palpable as he skipped to the centre, his eyes shutting in anticipation. Deliah arched an eyebrow, her fatigue making her less than enthusiastic about his antics. However, her discontent quickly transformed into astonishment as her eyes widened, fixated on the stunning emergence of Azrael's golden and black wings. His eyes met hers as he opened them, observing her reaction.

In a state of sheer awe, Deliah was captivated. Never before had she witnessed something so exquisite. Her own comprehension of Azrael's very existence remained an ongoing struggle, but the sight before her was beyond anything she could have imagined. With a mixture of curiosity and reverence, she approached Azrael, her fingers hesitantly reaching out to graze the strong, majestic wings that adorned his back. The coolness of the bones against her palm sent a shiver down her spine. Every contour, every intricate detail was a masterpiece of nature's artistry. In that moment, she couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer beauty that Azrael possessed. He was so beautiful.

After an hour of tranquil togetherness, they decided to head back, their hearts content and spirits uplifted by the sheer beauty of nature that surrounded them. Deliah returned to her seat at the desk, facing the dreaded paperwork that seemed to sap away every last ounce of her brainpower. Each form and document felt like a relentless adversary. Meanwhile, Azrael, already bored to the brink of madness, sprawled himself on the couch. His attention span resembled that of a curious toddler, always seeking new adventures. Unable to resist the call of the wild, he quietly slipped out the door and ventured back into the dark depths of the forest. His curiosity piqued, Azrael gravitated towards the laughter and squeals of children playing in the distance. They chased each other through the underbrush, their tiny feet stumbling over roots of the massive trees, and in their hands, ordinary sticks transformed into magical planes soaring through the air. Azrael silently ascended a tree, settling comfortably on a sturdy branch high above into the leafy canopy. As he observed the playful humans, he couldn't help but envy the bonds they shared, something he had never experienced while growing up alone in an unfamiliar world. Thoughts of his little sister, whom he hadn't seen in years, weighed heavily on his mind. Yet, for the moment, he pushed those memories aside and focused on the fascinating spectacle of human behaviour unfolding beneath him.

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