Chapter Eight

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Deliah found herself seated alone in the bustling lunchroom, enveloped by a cacophony of voices and the symphony of clinking cutlery. These ambient sounds created a dissonant backdrop to her introspective thoughts. The weight of the past day bore down on her shoulders like a heavy mantle, and she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of isolation. In that crowded room, none of her peers knew the depth of her connection with Azrael, and she couldn't bring herself to divulge the secret. Her friendship with the enigmatic being was a closely guarded and cherished secret she had held onto for so long.

Startled by the sudden appearance of her friend, Sarah, Deliah looked up from her food, her fork idly twirling amidst her meal, as her companion eagerly settled in, placing her food tray on the table with a noticeable thud. As Sarah animatedly expounded on the scientific potential of Azrael's discovery, Deliah's heart ached with a mounting frustration. She felt like a solitary island of dissent amidst a sea of jubilation. It wasn't solely her empathetic bond with Azrael that fuelled her opposition; it was also a visceral reaction to the dehumanizing treatment he was most likely enduring.

"Sarah, I can't simply stand by and watch them treat him like a mere lab specimen. He's not a tool for their advancements; he's a sentient being," Deliah said, her voice quivering with the depth of her emotions.

Sarah furrowed her brows, her enthusiasm undiminished. "But just think about what we can learn from him. This could potentially be a groundbreaking revelation in our comprehension of different species."

Deliah's eyes welled up with tears of frustration, and her trembling hands betrayed the intensity of her emotions. Her core was founded on empathy, and observing the callousness of those around her, even those close to her heart, felt like a profound betrayal.

"Sarah, you can't simply reduce him to data points and experiments. He's suffering, and it feels like no one cares," Deliah retorted, her voice breaking under the weight of her convictions.

Sarah let out a weary sigh, her eyes scanning the bustling lunchroom. "Deliah, I understand your passion, but you must consider the bigger picture. Sometimes our emotions can cloud our judgment."

Deliah's face flushed with anger. "This transcends science; it's about fundamental humanity, Sarah. If we lose our empathy, what's the point of scientific progress? We're not just scientists; we're individuals with the power to make moral choices."

Their voices were now tinged with tension, and the chatter of the lunchroom seemed to recede into a distant, alien world. Deliah grappled with the disheartening realization that her impassioned plea for Azrael's well-being had fallen on deaf ears, leaving her feeling more isolated than ever.

As the day wore on, Deliah found herself distracted, her thoughts continually returning to the heated conversation with Sarah. The lunchroom debate had left her feeling drained and isolated. She was beginning to believe that she was truly alone in her conviction.

However, later in the day, as she gathered her books to leave the lecture hall, a girl she vaguely recognized approached her. The girl's eyes held a determined glint, and she said, "Hey, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation in the canteen. I agree with you. Azrael should be set free."

Deliah's surprise gave way to gratitude. "Thank you. It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels this way."

The girl nodded, her expression resolute. "I've been following the news, and the more I learn, the more I'm convinced that what they're doing to Azrael is wrong. We can't let this continue."

Deliah couldn't help but smile at the unexpected support. "I'm Deliah, by the way."

The girl introduced herself as Emily, and the two of them found a quiet corner to talk. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, as if they were kindred spirits. They shared their concerns for Azrael's well-being and the broader moral implications of his captivity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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