Sleepover pt.2

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(All ghouls)

It was already noon and almost all the ghouls were still sleeping, except Aether. He had woken up early to go get coffee and pastries from a local coffee shop down the street for his boyfriends. When he walked back into the bedroom, everyone was still asleep. "Good morning everyone. I brought coffee." Aether said quietly. He didn't need to speak loud because the second he mentioned coffee Sodo would be awake and it would wake everyone else up as well.

"There's Coffee!?" Sodo yelled excitedly. Aether nodded, taking a cup and a bag with a croissant and got back in the bed. Sodo quickly got a cup of coffee, almost chugging it. Mountain and Swiss quickly grabbing a cup themselves. Mountain noticed rain still sleeping and shook him awake. "It's time to wake up dear." Mountain said with a small smile on his face."I'm so tired" rain groaned not wanting to get up. "We have to love." Mountain countered, playing the with Rain's hair.
Rain eventually gave in and took a cup of coffee and a cheese danish and sat down next to Swiss.

By the time everyone was done with their coffee and pastries they were cuddled up again watching a movie. The entire time the movie was playing sodo was making comments about how the movie didn't make sense and there was no plot. Swiss found it hilarious, while Rain had to shut Sodo up a few times during important parts of the movie. But all in all they enjoyed each others company and were glad they got some time together before they had to go back to work.

275 words

A/N: I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I've been having writers block for a bit so I hope the next chapter isn't too bad.

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