Club jealousy

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TW: mentions of blood, mentions of sexual harassment and unconstitutional touching (NO NSFW!!)
(Mountain x Rain x Sodo)

"I'm sorry we got so upset darling" Rain said, his tail protectively draped around mountain while their partner Sodo, spooned mountain from behind. "We just don't like it when people touch what's ours." Sodo growled protectively.

It was the two year anniversary of the night the three ghouls, Mountain, Sodo, and Rain became an official couple. The three had decided to go to a club to celebrate. Mountain, who was usually the responsible one who rarely drank, had let his partners convince him to drink and he ended up having a little too much. Mountain was on the dance floor having the time of his life while his boyfriends stood by the bar watching.

Mountain had been dancing for about an hour, he was about to take a brake to have another drink with sodo and rain when he felt something hitting his ass. He assumed it was just sodo being sodo, but when he looked over at the bar he saw rain and sodo standing by the bar his eyes widened. He looked back behind him to see a man grinding against him. "Hey get off of m-" he tried to speak but was cut off by the man grabbing his crotch.

The next thing he knew Sodo had the man pinned to the ground and was beating him senseless. Sodo punched the man repeatedly in the face while Rain grabbed Mounatin protectively by the waist, growling at the man on the floor. "Are you alright dove?" Rain asked, holding him close, his head pressed into Mountain's back. "I- I'm fine, don't worry droplet." Mountain said, turning around and kissing the top of Rain's head.

Sodo got up, licking the blood from his knuckles. "That fucker got what he deserved" he smirked, joining in on the group hug. (Hug? Idfk don't judge me) "let's get you home flower" Sodo said in a soft and heartfelt way, holding his hand. They all got in their car and went home, rain driving because he was the only one who wasn't drunk or tipsy. On their way home mountain started blasting music and singing along so loud everyone within eight miles could hear him. Sodo bursted out laughing, snorting and falling all over mountain in the backseat. Rain chuckled at his partners antics, smiling.

When they got home Sodo instantly got into his pajamas, helping mountain get into his. Then he jumped onto the bed, pulling mountain with him. Rain chuckled, getting into his pajamas and settling into the bed behind mountain, his right hand playing with Sodo's hair. Sodo started purring out of habit and Mountain played with Rain's tail, showing a quite an interest in the blue shimmer the spade at the end had. "Pretty..." Mountain said in awe, his drunken state clearing his mind. "Just like you dove." Rain smiled, booping his nose.

Mountain giggled, snuggling further into Rain's side. "You guys were badass in there." Mountain smiled. "Thank you flower." Sodo smiled, his tail swaying behind him. "I'm sorry we got so upset darling" Rain said, his tail protectively draped around mountain while their partner Sodo, spooned mountain from behind. "We just don't like it when people touch what's ours." Sodo growled protectively. Mountain laughed "I second that, I love it when you touch me." Mountain smirked. "Damn flower" Sodo said shocked. "Looks like someone likes the attention." Rain smiled.

580 words
A/N: yeah ik it's been forever and I know it's short. But my schedule is so busy I don't have time for anything anymore 😭. Also if anyone is reading this, some recommendations would be nice :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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